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Dune Adventures in the Imperium


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Mastery of the blade is a valuable skill in the Imperium, and those who are especially capable are highly sought-after by the rulers of noble Houses, serving as bodyguards, champions, favored gladiators, and even tutors, teaching their Skills to others in the House. Because of the prevalence of master duelists as instructors to the young scions of a House, many young nobles find themselves becoming duelists in their own right, even if only for a short while before they take on other courtly duties.

  • Trait: Duelist
  • Primary Skill: Battle
  • Secondary Skill: Move
  • Focuses: Dueling, Short Blades
  • Talents: The Slow Blade
  • Drives: Duelists—particularly those who work as champions and bodyguards—are often believers in might makes right, feeling that Justice is enacted by their blades. Others are reliant on Faith—in their prowess, in their tools, or in a higher power—to keep them alive in their deadly profession.

Battle Archetypes Warmasters

One enemy at a time, is that it? 

- Gurney Halleck 

These archetypes all follow the code of war in some form. Some may consider martial Skills to be a pathway to excellence; others might never use a weapon, focusing their mind on strategy and tactics instead. But all know what it is to fight and are lethal in one way or another.


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