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Dune Adventures in the Imperium


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Step Three - Skills

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Each character in Dune: Adventures in the Imperium has five Skills, as described in the previous chapter: Battle, Communicate, Discipline, Move, and Understand. These cover the character’s broad aptitudes and capabilities, forming a major part of Skill Tests the character attempts during play.

All player Characters have each skill rated between 4 and 8.

At this stage in character creation, you will have the following skill ratings:

  • The primary skill listed for your archetype is rated at 6.
  • The secondary skill listed for your archetype is rated at 5.
  • The other three Skills are rated at 4.

Once you’ve done this, you may increase any Skills you wish; you have five points which you may distribute as you see fit between your Skills. No skill may be increased above 8 in this way.

Example: Kara’s primary skill is Communicate, so that starts at 6. Her secondary skill is Battle, which therefore starts at 5. Claire decides to put an extra point in each of her other Skills to bring them all up to 5, leaving her with 2 left. While she’d like a better Communicate, she decides to balance things out with her combat Skills and adds the final 2 points to Battle and Move. This gives her Battle 6, Communicate 6, Discipline 5, Move 6, Understand 5.


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