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Call of Cthulhu


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Flying Polyp

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4 points, plus invisibility. The extra-terrene polyp takes only minimum damage from physical weapons, which is reduced again by 4 points due to the monster’s skin armor. Enchanted weapons do full normal damage, as do forces such as heat or electricity.
2D6 (each round, roll 2D6 to determine how many tentacles form); may use only one wind-based attack per round.
[{"name":"Fighting attacks","description":"Polyps continually form and dissolve tentacles from their bodies. Tentacle damage is always 1D10. Because of the partially nonmaterial nature of these entities, the tentacle’s damage is done directly to the target’s hit points, ignoring any body armor. The wound takes the form of a windburn or desiccation of tissue."},{"name":"Note","description":"Each of the polypoid wind abilities cost them 1 magic point per round to use."},{"name":"Wind Blast","description":"The wind blast has a base range of 20 yards and a 10-yard-diameter cylinder of effect emanating from the polyp, doing damage equal to the polyp’s damage bonus. The cylindrical blast can extend further than 20 yards, but loses 1D6 damage for each multiple of the base distance—thus a target at 39 yards would take 4D6 (damage bonus minus 1D6), and a target at 41 yards would take 3D6 damage. Victims of the wind blast literally have their flesh stripped from their bones and their skin dehydrated and wind-burned, and are blown backwards for a number of yards equal to the hit points they have lost."},{"name":"Fixing Attack","description":"This is a mysterious method for capturing prey. In this mode, the wind attack has a range of 1,000 yards and can blow without diminishment around corners or up through winding corridors. Although the wind emanates from the polyp, it has a peculiar sucking effect on the target, slowing down him or her and forcing the target to make an opposed STR roll versus the polyp’s POW. Beyond 200 yards this becomes less effective and one bonus die is granted to the target. If the polyp wins, the victim cannot move away that round. If the target wins, he or she may move normally. The flying polyp can move at full speed while using this ability, so it may be both chasing interesting prey and slowing it.\nThis technique may be used on multiple targets within 30 yards of one another. Each other target gains one bonus die on the STR roll to oppose the polyp. The polyp may choose its targets."},{"name":"Windstorm Attack","description":"A polyp can generate a wind in conjunction with its fellows. The windstorm has a speed of half a mile per hour per point of POW of the participating polyp. This windstorm is local, losing 5 mph of force for every 200 yards it travels. A group of polyps can generate hurricane-force winds within an area of a few square miles. Targets take 1D4 damage for every 20 mph above 100 mph of wind speed; those that succeed in a Luck roll take half damage."}]
[{"name":"Fighting","target":"85","damage":"1d10","attack_type":"attack"},{"name":"Wind Blast","target":"70","damage_bonus":"full","alt_damage":"(lowered by 1d6 per 20 yards distance)","attack_type":"attack"}]
but use only for Wind Blast
8/12 flying
1D3/1D20 Sanity points to see a flying polyp.
Terrors from the blackness below
[{"name":"Invisibility","description":"By spending 1 magic point per round, a polyp can turn totally invisible. It still can be roughly located by the constant, nauseating piping sound that always accompanies it. Anyone trying to hit an invisible polyp must make a successful Listen roll to tell where it is, and if located, any rolls to hit it are made with one penalty die. \nPolyps naturally phase in and out of visibility, so a Luck roll must be made with each attack made upon it. If the Luck roll is failed the Polyp phases just at that moment and the attack is made with one penalty die. When a polyp is invisible, it does not attack with its tentacles, but may still use one of the wind attacks or cast spells."}]
Polyps have a 70% chance of knowing 1D10 spells.
Mythos Monster
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