Dragons of Potential and Preservation
Habitat: Coastal; Treasure: Implements
Many young bronze dragons become experts in a type of problem, like driving off pirates or protecting communities from storms. Young bronze dragons collect friends with varied expertise, cultivating a community of experts they can rely on.
Bronze Dragons
Where bronze dragons dwell, wonders flourish. Imaginative yet mindful, these metallic dragons work toward greatness and help others achieve all they can. They strive to preserve innovations, from the works of past civilizations to new discoveries, and they share such works widely. When dealing with shorter-lived beings, bronze dragons prefer to win them over through conversation and cultivation, but they don’t shy from battle when villains keep others from achieving their potential.
Bronze dragons enjoy the power and endless possibilities of the sea, and they often make their lairs in places of natural beauty or communities they wish to preserve. Within their dwellings, bronze dragons hoard things they believe will be useful one day. They salvage treasure lost to the sea, reclaiming wealth or sunken ships.
Bronze Dragon Lairs
Bronze dragons usually make their homes near or under the sea.
The region containing an adult or ancient bronze dragon’s lair is changed by its presence, creating the following effects:
Buoying Currents. Creatures within 1 mile of the lair that lack a Swim Speed ignore the extra cost of movement while swimming.
Sun and Storms. While in its lair, the dragon can cast Control Weather, requiring no Material components and using the same spellcasting ability as its Spellcasting action. When casting the spell this way, the dragon can control the weather within 1 mile of its lair, regardless if the dragon is inside or outside.
If the dragon dies or moves its lair elsewhere, these effects end immediately.
Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.
Multiattack. The dragon makes three Rend attacks. It can replace one attack with a use of Repulsion Breath.
Rend. Melee Attack Roll: +8, reach 10 ft. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) Slashing damage.
Lightning Breath (Recharge 5–6). Dexterity Saving Throw: DC 15, each creature in a 60-foot-long, 5-foot-wide Line. Failure: 49 (9d10) Lightning damage. Success: Half damage.
Repulsion Breath. Strength Saving Throw: DC 15, each creature in a 30-foot Cone. Failure: The target is pushed up to 40 feet straight away from the dragon and has the Prone condition.