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Dungeon World


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Adventurer Horde, Intelligent

Sword (d6 Damage ) 3 HP 1 Armor


Special Qualities: Endless enthusiasm

“Scum of the earth, they are. A troupe of Armored men and women come sauntering into town, brandishing what, for all intents and purposes, is enough magical and mundane power to level the whole place. Bringing with them bags and bags of loot, still dripping blood from whatever poor sod they had to kill to get it. An economical fiasco waiting to happen, if you ask me. The whole system becomes completely uprooted. Dangerous, unpredictable murder-hobos. Oh, wait, you’re an adventurer? I take it all back.” Instinct: To adventure or die trying

  • Go on a fool’s errand
  • Act impulsively
  • Share tales of past exploits


Attack Details
Attack Name
Attack Roll
“Scum of the earth, they are. A troupe of armored men and women come sauntering into town, brandishing what, for all intents and purposes, is enough magical and mundane power to level the whole place. Bringing with them bags and bags of loot, still dripping blood from whatever poor sod they had to kill to get it. An economical fiasco waiting to happen, if you ask me. The whole system becomes completely uprooted. Dangerous, unpredictable murder-hobos. Oh, wait, you’re an adventurer? I take it all back.”
To adventure or die trying
Folk of the Realm
Special Qualities
Endless enthusiasm
Horde, Intelligent
Weapon Tags
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