Dungeon World
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Angel Solitary, Terrifying, Divine, Intelligent, Organized
Sword of Flames (2d10kh1+4 Damage ignores armor) 18 HP 4 Armor
Close, Forceful
Special Qualities: Wings
“So was it written that the heavens opened up to Avra’hal and did an angel from the clouds emerge to speak unto her and so did it appear to her as her firstborn daughter—beautiful, of ebon skin and golden eyes—and did Avra’hal weep to see it. ‘Be not afraid,’ it commanded her. ‘Go to the villages I have shown you in your dreams and unto them show the word I have written on your soul.’ Avra’hal wept and wept and did agree to do this and did take up her sword and tome and did into the villages go, a great thirst for blood on her lips for the word the angel wrote upon the soul of Avra’hal was ‘kill’.” Instinct: To share divine will
- Deliver visions and prophecy
- Stir mortals to action
- Expose sin and injustice