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Dragon Whelp
Dragon Whelp Solitary, Small, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder
Elemental breath (d10+2 Damage ) 16 HP 3 Armor
Close, Near
Special Qualities: Wings, Elemental Blood
What? Did you think they were all a mile long? Did you think they didn’t come smaller than that? Sure, they may be no bigger than a dog and no smarter than an ape, but a Dragon whelp can still belch up a hellish ball of fire that’ll melt your armor shut and drop you screaming into the mud. Their scales, too, are softer than those of their bigger kin, but can still turn aside an arrow or sword not perfectly aimed. Size is not the only measure of might. Instinct: To grow in power
- Start a lair, form a base of power
- Call on family ties
- Demand oaths of servitude
Attack Details
Attack Name
Elemental breath
Attack Roll
What? Did you think they were all a mile long? Did you think they didn’t come smaller than that? Sure, they may be no bigger than a dog and no smarter than an ape, but a dragon whelp can still belch up a hellish ball of fire that’ll melt your armor shut and drop you screaming into the mud. Their scales, too, are softer than those of their bigger kin, but can still turn aside an arrow or sword not perfectly aimed. Size is not the only measure of might.
To grow in power
Swamp Denizens
Special Qualities
Wings, Elemental Blood
Solitary, Small, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder
Weapon Tags
Close, Near