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Goblin Horde, Small, Intelligent, Organized

Spear (d6 Damage ) 3 HP 1 Armor

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Nobody seems to know where these things came from. Elves say they’re the dwarves’ fault—dredged up from a hidden place beneath the earth. Dwarves say they’re bad elvish children, taken away at birth and raised in the dark. The truth of the matter is that goblins have always been here and they’ll be here once all the civilized races have fallen and gone away. Goblins never die out. There’s just too damn many of them. Instinct: To multiply

  • Charge!
  • Call more goblins
  • Retreat and return with (many) more


Attack Details
Attack Name
Attack Roll
Nobody seems to know where these things came from. Elves say they’re the dwarves’ fault—dredged up from a hidden place beneath the earth. Dwarves say they’re bad elvish children, taken away at birth and raised in the dark. The truth of the matter is that goblins have always been here and they’ll be here once all the civilized races have fallen and gone away. Goblins never die out. There’s just too damn many of them.
To multiply
Cavern Dwellers
Special Qualities
Horde, Small, Intelligent, Organized
Weapon Tags
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