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Hedge Wizard
Hedge Wizard Magical
Not all those who wield the arcane arts are adventuring wizards. Nor necromancers in mausoleums or sorcerers of ancient bloodline. Some are just old men and women, smart enough to have discovered a trick or two. It might make them a bit batty to come by that knowledge, but if you’ve a curse to break or a love to prove, might be that a hedge Wizard will help you, if you can find his rotten hut in the swamp and pay the price he asks. Instinct: To learn
- Cast almost the right spell (for a price)
- Make deals beyond their ken
Attack Details
Attack Name
Attack Roll
Not all those who wield the arcane arts are adventuring wizards. Nor necromancers in mausoleums or sorcerers of ancient bloodline. Some are just old men and women, smart enough to have discovered a trick or two. It might make them a bit batty to come by that knowledge, but if you’ve a curse to break or a love to prove, might be that a hedge wizard will help you, if you can find his rotten hut in the swamp and pay the price he asks.
To learn
Folk of the Realm
Special Qualities
Weapon Tags