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Dungeon World


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Aboleth Group, Huge, Intelligent

Tentacle (d10+3 Damage ) 18 HP 0 Armor


Special Qualities: Telepathy

Deep below the surface of The World, in freshwater seas untouched by the sun, dwell the Aboleth. Fish the size of whales, with strange growths of gelatinous feelers used to probe the lightless shores. They’re served by slaves: blind albino victims of any race unfortunate enough to stumble on them, drained of thought and life by the powers of the aboleth’s alien mind. In the depths they plot against each other, fishy cultists building and digging upward towards the surface until someday, they’ll breach it. For now, they sleep and dream and guide their pallid minions to do their bidding. Instinct: To Command

  • Invade a mind
  • Turn minions on them
  • Put a plan in motion


Attack Details
Attack Name
Attack Roll
Deep below the surface of the world, in freshwater seas untouched by the sun, dwell the aboleth. Fish the size of whales, with strange growths of gelatinous feelers used to probe the lightless shores. They’re served by slaves: blind albino victims of any race unfortunate enough to stumble on them, drained of thought and life by the powers of the aboleth’s alien mind. In the depths they plot against each other, fishy cultists building and digging upward towards the surface until someday, they’ll breach it. For now, they sleep and dream and guide their pallid minions to do their bidding.
To command
Lower Depths
Special Qualities
Group, Huge, Intelligent
Weapon Tags
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