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Elvish High Arcanist
Elvish High Arcanist Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Organized
Arcane fire (d10 Damage ignores armor) 12 HP 0 Armor
Near, Far
Special Qualities: Sharp senses
True elvish magic isn’t like the Spells of men. Mannish wizardry is all rotes and formulas. They cheat to find the arcane secrets that resound all around them. They are deaf to the arcane symphony that sings in the woods. Elvish magic requires a fine ear to hear that symphony and the voice with which to sing. To harmonize with what is already resounding. Men bind the forces of magic to their will; Elves simply pluck the strings and hum along. The High Arcanists, in a way, have become more and less than any elf. The beat of their blood is the throbbing of all magic in this world. Instinct: To unleash power
- Work the magic that nature demands
- Cast forth the elements