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Dungeon World


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Larvae Horde, Devious, Planar, Intelligent

Slime (2d4kl1 Damage ) 10 HP 0 Armor


Those who have seen visions of the Planes Below, and survived with their sanity intact, speak of masses of these writhing wretches. Maggots with the faces of men and women, crying out for salvation in a nest of flames. Sometimes, they can be goaded out through a rip in the planar caul and emerge, wriggling and in torment, into our world. Once here, they spread misery and sickness during their mayfly lives before expiring into a slurry of gore. All in all, an enticement to do good deeds in life. Instinct: To suffer

  • Fill them with despair
  • Beg for mercy
  • Draw evil attention


Attack Details
Attack Name
Attack Roll
Those who have seen visions of the Planes Below, and survived with their sanity intact, speak of masses of these writhing wretches. Maggots with the faces of men and women, crying out for salvation in a nest of flames. Sometimes, they can be goaded out through a rip in the planar caul and emerge, wriggling and in torment, into our world. Once here, they spread misery and sickness during their mayfly lives before expiring into a slurry of gore. All in all, an enticement to do good deeds in life.
To suffer
Planar Powers
Special Qualities
Horde, Devious, Planar, Intelligent
Weapon Tags
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