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Swamp Shambler

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Swamp Shambler Solitary, Large, Magical

Lash (d10+1 Damage ) 23 HP 1 Armor

Close, Reach, Forceful

Special Qualities: Swamp form

Some elementals are conjured up in sacred circles etched in chalk. Most, in fact. There’s a sort of science to it. Others, though, aren’t so orderly—they don’t fall under the carefully controlled assignments of fire, air, water, or earth. Some are a natural confluence of vine and mire and fungus. They do not think the way a man might think. They cannot be understood as one might understand an elf. They simply are. Spirits of the swamp. Shamblers in the mud. Instinct: To preserve and create swamps

  • Call on the swamp itself for aid
  • Meld into the swamp
  • Reassemble into a new form


Attack Details
Attack Name
Attack Roll
Some elementals are conjured up in sacred circles etched in chalk. Most, in fact. There’s a sort of science to it. Others, though, aren’t so orderly—they don’t fall under the carefully controlled assignments of fire, air, water, or earth. Some are a natural confluence of vine and mire and fungus. They do not think the way a man might think. They cannot be understood as one might understand an elf. They simply are. Spirits of the swamp. Shamblers in the mud.
To preserve and create swamps
Swamp Denizens
Special Qualities
Swamp form
Solitary, Large, Magical
Weapon Tags
Close, Reach, Forceful
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