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Vampire Group, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent

Supernatural force (d8+5 Damage 1 piercing) 10 HP 2 Armor

Close, Forceful

Special Qualities: Changing form, ancient mind

We fear them, because they call to us. So much like us, or how we hope to be: beautiful, passionate, and powerful. They are drawn to us for what they cannot be: warm, kind, and alive. These tormented souls can only hope, at most, to pass their dreadful curse along. Every time they feed they run the risk of passing along their torture to another and in each one lives the twisted seed of its creator. Vampires beget vampires. Suffering begets suffering. Do not be drawn in by their seduction or you may be given their gift—a crown of shadows and the chains of eternal undying grief. Instinct: To manipulate

  • Charm someone
  • Feed on their blood
  • Retreat to plan again


Attack Details
1 piercing
Attack Name
Supernatural force
Attack Roll
We fear them, because they call to us. So much like us, or how we hope to be: beautiful, passionate, and powerful. They are drawn to us for what they cannot be: warm, kind, and alive. These tormented souls can only hope, at most, to pass their dreadful curse along. Every time they feed they run the risk of passing along their torture to another and in each one lives the twisted seed of its creator. Vampires beget vampires. Suffering begets suffering. Do not be drawn in by their seduction or you may be given their gift—a crown of shadows and the chains of eternal undying grief.
To manipulate
Undead Legions
Special Qualities
Changing form, ancient mind
Group, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent
Weapon Tags
Close, Forceful
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