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Animate Dead

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You invoke a hungry spirit to possess a recently-dead body and serve you. This creates a Zombie that follows your orders to the best of its limited abilities. Treat the Zombie as a character, but with access to only the basic moves. It has a +1 modifier for all stats and 1 HP. The Zombie also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits:

• It’s talented. Give one stat a +2 modifier.
• It’s durable. It has +2 HP for each level you have.
• It has a functioning brain and can complete complex tasks.
• It does not appear obviously dead, at least for a day or two.

The Zombie lasts until it is destroyed by taking Damage in excess of its HP, or until you end the spell. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to Cast a Spell.


You invoke a hungry spirit to possess a recently-dead body and serve you. This creates a zombie that follows your orders to the best of its limited abilities. Treat the zombie as a character, but with access to only the basic moves. It has a +1 modifier for all stats and 1 HP. The zombie also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits: • It’s talented. Give one stat a +2 modifier. • It’s durable. It has +2 HP for each level you have. • It has a functioning brain and can complete complex tasks. • It does not appear obviously dead, at least for a day or two. The zombie lasts until it is destroyed by taking damage in excess of its HP, or until you end the spell. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
Animate Dead
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