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Actions In Combat

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Table: Actions in Combat
Standard ActionAttack of Opportunity1
Attack (melee)No
Attack (ranged)Yes
Attack (unarmed)Yes
Activate a magic item other than a potion or oilNo
Aid anotherMaybe2
Cast a spell (1 standard action casting time)Yes
Channel energyNo
Concentrate to maintain an active spellNo
Dismiss a spellNo
Draw a hidden weapon (see Sleight of Hand skill)No
Drink a potion or apply an oilYes
Escape a grappleNo
Light a torch with a tindertwigYes
Lower spell resistanceNo
Read a scrollYes
Ready (triggers a standard action)No
Stabilize a dying friend (see Heal skill)Yes
Total defenseNo
Use extraordinary abilityNo
Use skill that takes 1 actionUsually
Use spell-like abilityYes
Use supernatural abilityNo
Move ActionAttack of Opportunity1
Control a frightened mountYes
Direct or redirect an active spellNo
Draw a weapon3No
Load a hand crossbow or light crossbowYes
Open or close a doorNo
Mount/dismount a steedNo
Move a heavy objectYes
Pick up an itemYes
Sheathe a weaponYes
Stand up from proneYes
Ready or drop a shield3No
Retrieve a stored itemYes
Full-Round ActionAttack of Opportunity1
Full attackNo
Deliver coup de graceYes
Escape from a netYes
Extinguish flamesNo
Light a torchYes
Load a heavy or repeating crossbowYes
Lock or unlock weapon in locked gauntletYes
Prepare to throw splash weaponYes
Use skill that takes 1 roundUsually
Use a touch spell on up to six friendsYes
Free ActionAttack of Opportunity1
Cease concentration on a spellNo
Drop an itemNo
Drop to the floorNo
Prepare spell components to cast a spell5No
Swift ActionAttack of Opportunity1
Cast a quickened spellNo
Immediate ActionAttack of Opportunity1
Cast feather fallNo
No ActionAttack of Opportunity1
5-foot stepNo
Action Type VariesAttack of Opportunity1
Perform a combat maneuver6Yes
Use feat7Varies
1 Regardless of the action, if you move out of a threatened square, you usually provoke an attack of opportunity. This column indicates whether the action itself, not moving, provokes an attack of opportunity.
2 If you aid someone performing an action that would normally provoke an attack of opportunity, then the act of aiding another provokes an attack of opportunity as well.
3 If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can combine one of these actions with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.
4 May be taken as a standard action if you are limited to taking only a single action in a round.
5 Unless the component is an extremely large or awkward item.
6 Some combat maneuvers substitute for a melee attack, not an action. As melee attacks, they can be used once in an attack or charge action, one or more times in a full-attack action, or even as an attack of opportunity. Others are used as a separate action.
7 The description of a feat defines its effect.
During one turn, there are a wide variety of actions that your character can perform, from swinging a sword to casting a spell.


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