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Ancestral Regression

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The target drow transforms into a surface elf. The drow loses her Darkvision and light-blindness racial traits and gains the low-light Vision racial trait in their place. The Alignment and personality of the drow are not affected by the Transformation, but the spell conceals her Alignment from all forms of Divination. The spell grants the target a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to pass as an elf, though she appears to be an elven analog of herself and can be recognized as such by other drow who know her.


Casting Time
1 standard action
V, S
24 hours (D)
Alchemist 2, Antipaladin 3, Cleric 2, Sorcerer/wizard 3, Witch 2
Saving Throw
Will negates (harmless)
Transmutation (polymorph)
Spell Resistance
Yes (Harmless)
Willing drow touched
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