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Modify Memory

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You reach into the subject's mind and modify as many as 5 minutes of its memories in one of the following ways.

Casting the spell takes 1 round. If the subject fails to save, you proceed with the spell by spending as much as 5 minutes (a period of time equal to the amount of memory you want to modify) visualizing the memory you wish to modify in the subject. If your Concentration is disturbed before the visualization is complete, or if the subject is ever beyond the spell's range during this time, the spell is lost.

A modified memory does not necessarily affect the subject's actions, particularly if it contradicts the creature's natural inclinations. An illogical modified memory is dismissed by the Creature as a bad dream, too much wine, or another similar excuse.


Casting Time
1 round; see text
V, S
Bard 4
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Saving Throw
Will negates
Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]
Spell Resistance
One living creature
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