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Vital Statistics

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The following section determines a character's starting age, height, and weight. The character's race and class influence these statistics. Consult your GM before making a character that does not conform to these statistics.


You can choose or randomly generate your character's age. If you choose it, it must be at least the minimum age for the character's race and class. Alternatively, roll the dice indicated for your class on Table: Random Starting Ages and add the result to the minimum age of adulthood for your race to determine how old your character is.

Table: Random Starting Ages

RaceAdulthoodBarbarian, Rogue, SorcererBard, Fighter, Paladin, RangerCleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard
Human15 years+1d4+1d6+2d6
Dwarf40 years+3d6+5d6+7d6
Elf110 years+4d6+6d6+10d6
Gnome40 years+4d6+6d6+9d6
Half-elf20 years+1d6+2d6+3d6
Half-orc14 years+1d4+1d6+2d6
Halfling20 years+2d4+3d6+4d6

With age, a character's physical ability scores decrease and his mental ability scores increase (see Table: Aging Effects). The effects of each aging step are cumulative. However, none of a character's ability scores can be reduced below 1 in this way.

When a character reaches venerable age, secretly roll his maximum age and record the result, which the player does not know. A character who reaches his maximum age dies of old age sometime during the following year.

The maximum ages are for player characters. Most people in the world at large die from pestilence, accidents, infections, or violence before getting to venerable age.

Table: Aging Effects

RaceMiddle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
Human35 years53 years70 years70 + 2d20 years
Dwarf125 years188 years250 years250 + 2d% years
Elf175 years263 years350 years350 + 4d% years
Gnome100 years150 years200 years200 + 3d% years
Half-elf62 years93 years125 years125 + 3d20 years
Half-orc30 years45 years60 years60 + 2d10 years
Halfling50 years75 years100 years100 + 5d20 years

1 At middle age, –1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. 2 At old age, –2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. 3 At venerable age, –3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

Height and Weight

To determine a character's height, roll the modifier dice indicated on Table: Random Height and Weight and add the result, in inches, to the base height for your character's race and gender. To determine a character's weight, multiply the result of the modifier dice by the weight multiplier and add the result to the base weight for your character's race and gender.

Table: Random Height and Weight

RaceBase HeightBase WeightModifierWeight Multiplier
Human, male4 ft. 10 in.120 lbs.2d10×5 lbs.
Human, female4 ft. 5 in.85 lbs.2d10×5 lbs.
Dwarf, male3 ft. 9 in.150 lbs.2d4×7 lbs.
Dwarf, female3 ft. 7 in.120 lbs.2d4×7 lbs.
Elf, male5 ft. 4 in.100 lbs.2d8×3 lbs.
Elf, female5 ft. 4 in.90 lbs.2d6×3 lbs.
Gnome, male3 ft. 0 in.35 lbs.2d4×1 lb.
Gnome, female2 ft. 10 in.30 lbs.2d4×1 lb.
Half-elf, male5 ft. 2 in.110 lbs.2d8×5 lbs.
Half-elf, female5 ft. 0 in.90 lbs.2d8×5 lbs.
Half-orc, male4 ft. 10 in.150 lbs.2d12×7 lbs.
Half-orc, female4 ft. 5 in.110 lbs.2d12×7 lbs.
Halfling, male2 ft. 8 in.30 lbs.2d4×1 lb.
Halfling, female2 ft. 6 in.25 lbs.2d4×1 lb.

Carrying Capacity

These carrying capacity rules determine how much a character's equipment slows him down. Encumbrance comes in two parts: encumbrance by armor and encumbrance by total weight.

Encumbrance by Armor: A character's armor determines his maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, armor check penalty, speed, and running speed. Unless your character is weak or carrying a lot of gear, that's all you need to know; the extra gear your character carries won't slow him down any more than the armor already does.

If your character is weak or carrying a lot of gear, however, then you'll need to calculate encumbrance by weight. Doing so is most important when your character is trying to carry some heavy object.

Table: Carrying Capacity

Strength ScoreLight LoadMedium LoadHeavy Load
13 lbs. or less4–6 lbs.7–10 lbs.
26 lbs. or less7–13 lbs.14–20 lbs.
310 lbs. or less11–20 lbs.21–30 lbs.
413 lbs. or less14–26 lbs.27–40 lbs.
516 lbs. or less17–33 lbs.34–50 lbs.
620 lbs. or less21–40 lbs.41–60 lbs.
723 lbs. or less24–46 lbs.47–70 lbs.
826 lbs. or less27–53 lbs.54–80 lbs.
930 lbs. or less31–60 lbs.61–90 lbs.
1033 lbs. or less34–66 lbs.67–100 lbs.
1138 lbs. or less39–76 lbs.77–115 lbs.
1243 lbs. or less44–86 lbs.87–130 lbs.
1350 lbs. or less51–100 lbs.101–150 lbs.
1458 lbs. or less59–116 lbs.117–175 lbs.
1566 lbs. or less67–133 lbs.134–200 lbs.
1676 lbs. or less77–153 lbs.154–230 lbs.
1786 lbs. or less87–173 lbs.174–260 lbs.
18100 lbs. or less101–200 lbs.201–300 lbs.
19116 lbs. or less117–233 lbs.234–350 lbs.
20133 lbs. or less134–266 lbs.267–400 lbs.
21153 lbs. or less154–306 lbs.307–460 lbs.
22173 lbs. or less174–346 lbs.347–520 lbs.
23200 lbs. or less201–400 lbs.401–600 lbs.
24233 lbs. or less234–466 lbs.467–700 lbs.
25266 lbs. or less267–533 lbs.534–800 lbs.
26306 lbs. or less307–613 lbs.614–920 lbs.
27346 lbs. or less347–693 lbs.694–1,040 lbs.
28400 lbs. or less401–800 lbs.801–1,200 lbs.
29466 lbs. or less467–933 lbs.934–1,400 lbs.

Encumbrance by Weight: If you want to determine whether your character's gear is heavy enough to slow him down more than his armor already does, total the weight of all the character's items, including armor, weapons, and gear. Compare this total to the character's Strength on Table: Carrying Capacity. Depending on the character's carrying capacity, he or she may be carrying a light, medium, or heavy load. Like armor, a character's load affects his maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, carries a check penalty (which works like an armor check penalty), reduces the character's speed, and affects how fast the character can run, as shown on Table: Encumbrance Effects. A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities or skills that are restricted by armor. Carrying a light load does not encumber a character.

If your character is wearing armor, use the worse figure (from armor or from load) for each category. Do not stack the penalties.

Max DexCheck PenaltySpeedRun
(30 ft.)(20 ft.)
Medium+3–320 ft.15 ft.×4
Heavy+1–620 ft.15 ft.×3

Lifting and Dragging: A character can lift as much as his maximum load over his head. A character's maximum load is the highest amount of weight listed for a character's Strength in the heavy load column of Table: Carrying Capacity.

A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action).

A character can generally push or drag along the ground as much as five times his maximum load. Favorable conditions can double these numbers, and bad circumstances can reduce them by half or more.

Bigger and Smaller Creatures: The figures on Table: Carrying Capacity are for Medium bipedal creatures. A larger bipedal creature can carry more weight depending on its size category, as follows: Large ×2, Huge ×4, Gargantuan ×8, Colossal ×16. A smaller creature can carry less weight depending on its size category, as follows: Small ×3/4, Tiny ×1/2, Diminutive ×1/4, Fine ×1/8.

Quadrupeds can carry heavier loads than bipeds can. Multiply the values corresponding to the creature's Strength score from Table: Carrying Capacity by the appropriate modifier, as follows: Fine ×1/4, Diminutive ×1/2, Tiny ×3/4, Small ×1, Medium ×1-1/2, Large ×3, Huge ×6, Gargantuan ×12, Colossal ×24.

Tremendous Strength: For Strength scores not shown on Table: Carrying Capacity, find the Strength score between 20 and 29 that has the same number in the "ones" digit as the creature's Strength score does and multiply the numbers in that row by 4 for every 10 points the creature's Strength is above the score for that row.

Armor and Encumbrance for Other Base Speeds

The table below provides reduced speed figures for all base speeds from 5 feet to 120 feet (in 5-foot increments).

Base SpeedReduced Speed
5 ft.5 ft.
10 ft.–15 ft.10 ft.
20 ft.15 ft.
25 ft.–30 ft.20 ft.
35 ft.25 ft.
40 ft.–45 ft.30 ft.
50 ft.35 ft.
55 ft.–60 ft.40 ft.
65 ft.45 ft.
70 ft.–75 ft.50 ft.
80 ft.55 ft.
85 ft.–90 ft.60 ft.
95 ft.65 ft.
100 ft.–105 ft.70 ft.
110 ft.75 ft.
115 ft.–120 ft.80 ft.


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