Pathfinder Second Edition
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Pathfinder Second Edition Items
- Adventurer's Pack
- Adventurer's Pack (Legacy)
- Alchemical Bomb
- Alchemical Bomb (Legacy)
- Alchemist's Lab
- Alchemist's Toolkit
- Alchemist's Tools (Legacy)
- Arbalest
- Arrows (Legacy)
- Artisan's Toolkit
- Artisan's Tools (Legacy)
- Average Lock
- Average Lock (Legacy)
- Average Manacles
- Average Manacles (Legacy)
- Backpack
- Backpack (Legacy)
- Bandolier (Legacy)
- Bard Equipment Package
- Basic Crafter's Book
- Basic Crafter's Book (Legacy)
- Bastard Sword
- Bastard Sword (Legacy)
- Battle Axe
- Battle Axe (Legacy)
- Bedroll
- Bedroll (Legacy)
- Belt Pouch (Legacy)
- Blowgun
- Blowgun (Legacy)
- Blowgun Darts (Legacy)
- Bo Staff
- Bo Staff (Legacy)
- Bola
- Bottle of Fine Wine (Legacy)
- Bottle of Wine (Legacy)
- Brass Ear
- Breastplate
- Breastplate (Legacy)
- Buckler
- Buckler (Legacy)
- Bull's-Eye Lantern
- Bull's-eye Lantern (Legacy)
- Caltrops
- Caltrops (Legacy)
- Candle (10) (Legacy)
- Cane
- Chain
- Chain (10 feet) (Legacy)
- Chain Mail
- Chain Mail (Legacy)
- Chain Shirt
- Chain Shirt (Legacy)
- Chair Storage
- Chalk
- Chalk (10) (Legacy)
- Chest
- Chest (Legacy)
- Clan Dagger
- Clan Dagger (Legacy)
- Cleric Equipment Package
- Climbing Kit
- Climbing Kit (Legacy)
- Club
- Club (Legacy)
- Cold-Weather Clothing
- Compass
- Compass (Legacy)
- Composite Longbow
- Composite Longbow (Legacy)
- Composite Shortbow
- Composite Shortbow (Legacy)
- Concealed Sheath
- Cookware
- Cookware (Legacy)
- Corrective Lenses
- Crossbow
- Crossbow (Legacy)
- Crossbow Bolts (Legacy)
- Crowbar
- Crowbar (Legacy)
- Crutch
- Dagger
- Dagger (Legacy)
- Dart
- Dart (Legacy)
- Detective's Kit
- Disguise Kit
- Disguise Kit (Legacy)
- Dogslicer
- Dogslicer (Legacy)
- Druid Equipment Package
- Dueling Cape
- Dwarven Waraxe
- Dwarven Waraxe (Legacy)
- Elite Cosmetics
- Elite Cosmetics (Legacy)
- Elite Disguise Kit
- Elite Disguise Kit (Legacy)
- Elven Curve Blade
- Elven Curve Blade (Legacy)
- Expanded Alchemist's Lab
- Expanded Alchemist's Tools (Legacy)
- Expanded Healer's Toolkit
- Expanded Healer's Tools (Legacy)
- Explorer's Clothing
- Explorer's Clothing (Legacy)
- Extra Ink and Paper
- Extra Ink and Paper (Legacy)
- Extreme Climbing Kit
- Extreme Climbing Kit (Legacy)
- Falchion
- Falchion (Legacy)
- Fighter Equipment Package
- Filcher's Fork
- Filcher's Fork (Legacy)
- Fine Clothing
- Fine Clothing (Legacy)
- Fine Spyglass
- Fine Spyglass (Legacy)
- Fishing Tackle
- Fishing Tackle (Legacy)
- Fist
- Flail
- Flail (Legacy)
- Flint and Steel
- Flint and Steel (Legacy)
- Formula Book (Blank)
- Formula Book (blank) (Legacy)
- Four-Person Tent
- Four-person Tent (Legacy)
- Full Plate
- Full Plate (Legacy)
- Gauntlet
- Gauntlet (Legacy)
- Glaive
- Glaive (Legacy)
- Glow Rod
- Gnome Flickmace
- Gnome Flickmace (Legacy)
- Gnome Hooked Hammer
- Gnome Hooked Hammer (Legacy)
- Good Lock
- Good Manacles
- Grappling Hook
- Grappling Hook (Legacy)
- Greataxe
- Greataxe (Legacy)
- Greatclub
- Greatclub (Legacy)
- Greatpick
- Greatpick (Legacy)
- Greatsword
- Greatsword (Legacy)
- Guisarme
- Guisarme (Legacy)
- Halberd
- Halberd (Legacy)
- Half Plate
- Half Plate (Legacy)
- Halfling Sling Staff
- Halfling Sling Staff (Legacy)
- Hammer
- Hammer (Legacy)
- Hand Crossbow
- Hand Crossbow (Legacy)
- Handheld Musical Instrument
- Handheld Musical Instrument (Legacy)
- Hatchet
- Hatchet (Legacy)
- Healer's Toolkit
- Healer's Tools (Legacy)
- Hearing Aid
- Heavy Crossbow
- Heavy Crossbow (Legacy)
- Heavy Musical Instrument
- Heavy Musical Instrument (Legacy)
- Hide
- Hide Armor (Legacy)
- High-Fashion Fine Clothing
- High-Fashion Fine Clothing (Legacy)
- Holly and Mistletoe (Legacy)
- Holy Water (Legacy)
- Hooded Lantern
- Hooded Lantern (Legacy)
- Horsechopper
- Horsechopper (Legacy)
- Hourglass
- Hourglass (Legacy)
- Infiltrator Picks
- Infiltrator Picks (Legacy)
- Infiltrator Thieves' Toolkit
- Infiltrator Thieves' Tools (Legacy)
- Kama
- Kama (Legacy)
- Katana
- Katana (Legacy)
- Katar
- Katar (Legacy)
- Keg of Ale (Legacy)
- Khakkara
- Kukri
- Kukri (Legacy)
- Ladder
- Ladder (10-foot) (Legacy)
- Lance
- Lance (Legacy)
- Large Heavy Barding
- Large Light Barding
- Leather
- Leather Armor (Legacy)
- Lensatic Compass
- Lensatic Compass (Legacy)
- Lesser Acid Flask
- Lesser Alchemist's Fire
- Lesser Antidote
- Lesser Antidote (Legacy)
- Lesser Antiplague
- Lesser Antiplague (Legacy)
- Lesser Elixir of Life (Legacy)
- Lesser Smoke Ball
- Lesser Smokestick (Legacy)
- Lesser Tanglefoot Bag (Legacy)
- Lesser Thunderstone (Legacy)
- Level 0 Formula (Legacy)
- Level 1 Formula (Legacy)
- Level 1 Spell Scroll (Legacy)
- Level 2 Formula (Legacy)
- Level 3 Formula (Legacy)
- Level 4 Formula (Legacy)
- Level 5 Formula (Legacy)
- Levered Crowbar
- Levered Crowbar (Legacy)
- Light Hammer
- Light Hammer (Legacy)
- Light Mace
- Light Mace (Legacy)
- Light Pick
- Light Pick (Legacy)
- Long Tool
- Long Tool (Legacy)
- Longbow
- Longbow (Legacy)
- Longspear
- Longspear (Legacy)
- Longsword
- Longsword (Legacy)
- Mace
- Mace (Legacy)
- Magical Hearing Aid
- Magnifying Glass
- Magnifying Glass (Legacy)
- Main-Gauche
- Main-gauche (Legacy)
- Matchstick
- Material Component Pouch (Legacy)
- Maul
- Maul (Legacy)
- Medium Heavy Barding
- Medium Light Barding
- Merchant's Scale
- Merchant's Scale (Legacy)
- Minor Elixir of Life
- Minor Healing Potion (Legacy)
- Mirror
- Mirror (Legacy)
- Morningstar
- Morningstar (Legacy)
- Mug
- Mug (Legacy)
- Mug of Ale (Legacy)
- Oil
- Oil (1 pint) (Legacy)
- Orc Knuckle Dagger
- Orc Knuckle Dagger (Legacy)
- Orc Necksplitter
- Orc Necksplitter (Legacy)
- Ordinary Clothing
- Ordinary Clothing (Legacy)
- Padded Armor
- Padded Armor (Legacy)
- Parrying Scabbard
- Pavilion Tent
- Pavilion Tent (Legacy)
- Periscope
- Pick
- Pick (Legacy)
- Piton
- Piton (Legacy)
- Poor Lock
- Poor Lock (Legacy)
- Poor Manacles
- Poor Manacles (Legacy)
- Pot of Coffee or Tea (Legacy)
- Potency Crystal Talisman (Legacy)
- Primal Symbol
- Professional Fishing Tackle
- Professional Fishing Tackle (Legacy)
- Prosthesis
- Pup Tent
- Pup Tent (Legacy)
- Ranger Equipment Package
- Ranseur
- Ranseur (Legacy)
- Rapier
- Rapier (Legacy)
- Rations
- Rations (1 week) (Legacy)
- Religious Text
- Religious Text (Legacy)
- Repair Kit (Legacy)
- Repair Toolkit
- Replacement Cosmetics
- Replacement Cosmetics (Legacy)
- Replacement Picks
- Replacement Picks (Legacy)
- Rogue Equipment Package
- Rope
- Rope (Legacy)
- Sack
- Sack (5) (Legacy)
- Saddlebags (Legacy)
- Sai
- Sai (Legacy)
- Sap
- Sap (Legacy)
- Satchel (Legacy)
- Sawtooth Saber
- Sawtooth Saber (Legacy)
- Scale Mail
- Scale Mail (Legacy)
- Scholarly Journal
- Scholarly Journal (Legacy)
- Scholarly Journal Compendium
- Scholarly Journal Compendium (Legacy)
- Scimitar
- Scimitar (Legacy)
- Scroll Case (Legacy)
- Scythe
- Scythe (Legacy)
- Sheath (Legacy)
- Shield Bash
- Shield Bash (Legacy)
- Shield Boss
- Shield Boss (Legacy)
- Shield Spikes
- Shield Spikes (Legacy)
- Short Tool
- Short Tool (Legacy)
- Shortbow
- Shortbow (Legacy)
- Shortsword
- Shortsword (Legacy)
- Shuriken
- Shuriken (Legacy)
- Sickle
- Sickle (Legacy)
- Signal Whistle
- Signal Whistle (Legacy)
- Silver Religious Symbol
- Silver Religious Symbol (Legacy)
- Simple Lock
- Simple Lock (Legacy)
- Simple Manacles
- Simple Manacles (Legacy)
- Sling
- Sling (Legacy)
- Sling Bullets (Legacy)
- Small Heavy Barding
- Small Light Barding
- Snare Kit (Legacy)
- Soap
- Soap (Legacy)
- Spear
- Spear (Legacy)
- Specialist Snare Kit (Legacy)
- Spellbook (Blank)
- Spellbook (blank) (Legacy)
- Spiked Chain
- Spiked Chain (Legacy)
- Spiked Gauntlet
- Spiked Gauntlet (Legacy)
- Splint Mail
- Splint Mail (Legacy)
- Spyglass
- Spyglass (Legacy)
- Staff
- Staff (Legacy)
- Starknife
- Starknife (Legacy)
- Steel Shield
- Steel Shield (Legacy)
- Sterling Artisan's Toolkit
- Sterling Artisan's Tools (Legacy)
- Studded Leather
- Studded Leather Armor (Legacy)
- Sunrod (Legacy)
- Superb Repair Kit (Legacy)
- Superb Repair Toolkit
- Superior Lock
- Superior Manacles
- Survey Map
- Survey Map (Legacy)
- Survey Map Atlas
- Survey Map Atlas (Legacy)
- Sword Cane
- Tack
- Tack (Legacy)
- Temple Sword
- Temple Sword (Legacy)
- Ten-Foot Pole
- Ten-foot Pole (Legacy)
- Thieves' Toolkit
- Thieves' Tools (Legacy)
- Tindertwig (Legacy)
- Torch
- Torch (Legacy)
- Tower Shield
- Tower Shield (Legacy)
- Traveler's Chair
- Trident
- Trident (Legacy)
- Vial (Legacy)
- Virtuoso Handheld Musical Instrument
- Virtuoso Handheld Musical Instrument (Legacy)
- Virtuoso Heavy Musical Instrument
- Virtuoso Heavy Musical Instrument (Legacy)
- Wakizashi
- War Flail
- War Flail (Legacy)
- Warhammer
- Warhammer (Legacy)
- Waterskin
- Waterskin (Legacy)
- Wheelchair
- Whip
- Whip (Legacy)
- Winter Clothing (Legacy)
- Witch Equipment Package
- Wizard Equipment Package
- Wooden Religious Symbol
- Wooden Religious Symbol (Legacy)
- Wooden Shield
- Wooden Shield (Legacy)
- Writing Set
- Writing Set (Legacy)