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Dune Adventures in the Imperium


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Step Five - Talents

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 A starting player character has three Talents, representing special abilities, advanced techniques, and other significant benefits. These are abilities which define a character, helping them to stand out and feel special.

Your chosen archetype will provide a single talent, and it will suggest several options which are appropriately thematic for that archetype. You may choose a different talent if you wish, but at least one of your Talents should relate to your chosen archetypes in some way.

Some Talents, such as Bold, have to be connected to a particular skill. This connection is chosen when the talent is picked and can only apply to that skill. However, such a talent may be chosen again and applied to another skill. So a character might have Bold (Battle) and Bold (Communicate) as two of their talent picks, for example.

Drive Importance   Drive Rating   Meaning
1st 8 This is the single most important thing for you.
2nd 7 This is a high priority for you.
3rd 6 This is certainly something that influences you.
4th 5 You know that this thing matters, but you have other priorities.
5th 4 You care very little about this thing.

Once you’ve selected that first talent, you may select two other Talents. These Talents may be selected freely, though individual Talents may have certain restrictions on who may take them—Mentat Talents can only be taken by Mentats, Bene Gesserit Talents may only be taken by Bene Gesserit, and so forth.

Example: For her first pick, Claire must take Prana-bindu Conditioning as she has Bene Gesserit training. But her other two picks can be anything she likes. As she has access to Bene Gesserit Talents, Claire opts for Hyperawareness, as the Sisterhood taught her how to observe. As a mixture of her time with the Sisterhood and her training in the nobility, she takes Masterful Innuendo as her third pick.


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