Dune Adventures in the Imperium
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This is just a selection of the of Talents available to Characters in Dune: Adventures in the Imperium. Check out the Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Core Rulebook and Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Gamemaster's Toolkit for dozens more Talents.
A character is more than the sum of their parts, and a character’s Skills, Drives, and Focuses alone do not give a full picture of what they are truly capable of. Exceptional abilities, such as Mentat training, or the many and varied powers of a Bene Gesserit, are a form of talent, but Talents can take other forms too, representing some of the ways which set a player character apart from ordinary people.
Talents normally take the form of a mechanical bonus—re-rolls, bonus Momentum, the ability to succeed automatically on certain tests, or unique ways to use Momentum, Threat, or Determination. No talent may be selected more than once, unless otherwise noted.
The following is a selection of Talents which Characters may select.