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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition


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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition

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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Any Time,
Any Place

The Savage Worlds Adventure Edition takes you anywhere you want to go, From the Weird Wild West of Deadlands to the crime-ridden streets of Necessary Evil. From the curious campus of East Texas University to the distant, untamed worlds of The Last Parsec. Or forge your own worlds, fully customized with setting-specific rules to help you model everything from pulp adventure to sword and sorcery to hard science fiction and everything in between.

After years of fine-tuning and playtesting with fellow gamers around the world, this version of the award-winning, best‑selling Savage Worlds game combines new and updated rules with the latest in narrative play and a tactical foundation you can use for whatever style of gaming fits your group!

Savage Worlds is more Fast, Furious, & Fun than it’s ever been before!

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