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Anchor Gun

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Size 1 x 1 
Cost 50,000 Argent
Range near 
Targeting Radius crescent
Damage none
Special This weapon fires an anchoring harpoon at the enemy ship. On a hit, the targeted vessel is anchored to its current zone. The two ships are not physically connected, so if the player characters’ spaceship moves, the enemy ship remains locked in place. An enemy vessel affected by a harpoon that spends 1 round removing the harpoon and doing nothing else can move freely once again.


This weapon fires an anchoring harpoon at the enemy ship. On a hit, the targeted vessel is anchored to its current zone. The two ships are not physically connected, so if the player characters’ spaceship moves, the enemy ship remains locked in place. An enemy vessel affected by a harpoon that spends 1 round removing the harpoon and doing nothing else can move freely once again.
1 x 1 squares
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