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Burn Bryte


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You can spend 1 Nova point to split into two equal halves that share a mental connection and see through each other’s eyes. Each half of the hive has the same number of Health Levels as the whole hive before you split, minus 1, and keeps any Conditions the original hive had. You decide which half gets which items you carry. Each half otherwise has the same statistics as the whole hive and can each take one free Movement action on your turn, but they otherwise share the same pool of actions for the sake of making skill rolls. When one hive fails a skill roll, your turn ends. If one half of the hive dies, the other is unaffected. Both halves of the hive can rejoin if they move into the same square. When rejoining, you have Health Levels equal to the highest of the Health Levels of the two halves plus 1. This split can last for up to for 10 minutes. If the halves have not been rejoined when this Nova ability expires, one of the halves dies from stress (chosen by you).


basic ability
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