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Positive Conditions

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Positive conditions make player characters and NPCs more powerful. A positive condition could be an energized emotional state, a magical effect, or the result of a special ability.

Player Character Positive Conditions

Minor positive conditions applied to a player character reduce the complexity of skill rolls the character makes with a specific skill by 1 (to a minimum of 2). For instance, if Luwe the glean drinks a potion that makes her more confident, she gains the “self-assured” condition. Until this condition is removed, each time she makes a Perform skill roll the complexity of that roll decreases by 1. 

  • Sample minor positive conditions are: encouraged, focused, good aim, metal fists, quick feet, quick thinking, and self-assured.

Moderate positive conditions applied to a player character reduce the complexity of skill rolls the character makes with Mental, Physical, or Social skills by 1 (to a minimum of 2). For instance, if Luwe casts a spell that boosts her ability to charm others, she gains the “enhanced charisma” condition. Until this condition is removed, the complexity of all skill rolls made using her Social skills is reduced by 1. 

  • Sample moderate positive conditions are: enhanced charisma, extra brainy, greater agility, higher pain tolerance, in the zone, joyful, and bulging muscles.

Significant positive conditions applied to a player character reduce the complexity of all skill rolls the character makes by 1 (to a minimum of 2). For instance, if Luwe dons a magical vestment that greatly enhances everything she does, she gains the “superstar” condition. Until this condition is removed, the complexity of all skill rolls she makes are reduced by 1.

  • Sample significant positive conditions are: blindingly quick, fearless, incredible intellect, loved, nigh indestructible, super-powered, and superstar.

NPC Positive Conditions

Just like player positive conditions, NPC positive conditions give the creatures a mechanical boost, but in a slightly different way. 

Minor positive conditions applied to an NPC increase the complexity of skill rolls using a specific skill to attack or influence the NPC by 1 until the condition is removed. For instance, if Brutu the pirate captain activates a special ability that improves his coordination, he gains the “quick feet” condition. Until this condition is removed, the complexity of Athletics skill rolls made to attack and influence Brutu are increased by 1. 

Moderate positive conditions applied to an NPC increase the complexity of all Mental, Physical, or Social skill rolls to attack or influence the NPC by 1 until the condition is removed. For instance, if Brutu takes a drug that gives him greater strength, he gains the “bulging muscles” condition. Until this condition is removed, all Physical skill rolls made to attack or influence Brutu are increased by 1. 

Significant positive conditions applied to an NPC increase the complexity of all skill rolls to attack or influence the NPC by 1 until the condition is removed. For instance, if Brutu gets a temporary exoskeleton that raises his faculties to incredible levels, he gains the “super-powered” condition. Until this condition is removed, all skill rolls made to attack or influence Brutu are increased by 1. 

Success and Positive Conditions

When a player character makes four successful skill rolls on their turn during combat, they gain a minor positive condition. If the player character makes five successful skill rolls, they gain a moderate positive condition, and six successful skill rolls gives them a significant positive condition. 

Removing Positive Conditions

Positive conditions are removed once the character has them for the duration indicated on the Removing Positive Conditions table. Some positive conditions bestowed by spells, items, and special abilities may have different durations listed in their descriptions.

The GM can rule that specific story circumstances remove a positive condition. For instance, Luwe the glean has the “confident” condition before a big dance show, but when her performance goes poorly, the GM rules the condition is removed.

Removing Positive Conditions
Condition Level  Duration
Minor10 minutes
Moderate1 hour
Significant1 day


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