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Repairing and Rearming Your Spaceship

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To repair and rearm a ship it must dock it at a spaceport. When a ship docks to repair, its MI Health Levels are restored to maximum, any turrets that have ammo requirements are refilled, and all damaged modules are repaired. These repairs typically cost a total of 500 Argent and take 8 hours of work.

If a ship’s MI ceases to exist, a new one can be installed if the ship is towed to a spaceport. A new MI typically costs 20,000 Argent and takes 1 day of work to install.

If a spaceship is stopped at a spaceport and does not need repairs or rearming, it can usually dock at the spaceport without charge. The only way (aside from special abilities) to recover Health Levels for the ship’s MI is through paying for repairs.


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