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Heavy Missile Turret

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Size 2 x 2 
Cost 50,000 Argent
Range near
Targeting Radius full
Damage 2
Ammo This weapon can only be used four times. If the spaceship rearms, the weapon can be used another four times.
Special This weapon can make between one and four Attacks with a single successful skill roll. The Attacks can target the same or different enemy ships as long as they are all in the weapon’s range and targeting radius. Multiple Attacks consume an equal amount of ammo.


Ammo This weapon can only be used four times. If the spaceship rearms, the weapon can be used another four times. Special This weapon can make between one and four attacks with a single successful skill roll. The attacks can target the same or different enemy ships as long as they are all in the weapon’s range and targeting radius. Multiple attacks consume an equal amount of ammo.
2 x 2 squares
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