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Illusionary Cover

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Size 1 × 2
Cost 25,000 Argent
Effect A creature can activate this module with a skill roll or free Movement action, pressing a button to give the ship’s MI an infusion of plasma, which the MI uses to craft an illusion around the ship, making it appear to be a creature or vehicle of roughly the same size for 1 minute. The creature who activated this module chooses the form of the illusion. This illusion fools scanners as well as a creature’s Senses of sight and hearing. A creature who interacts with the ship in another way (e.g. by touching the ship), realizes it is an illusion and can look beyond it. Once this module has been used, it can’t be used again until the ship rearms.


A creature can activate this module with a skill roll or free movement action, pressing a button to give the ship’s MI an infusion of plasma, which the MI uses to craft an illusion around the ship, making it appear to be a creature or vehicle of roughly the same size for 1 minute. The creature who activated this module chooses the form of the illusion. This illusion fools scanners as well as a creature’s senses of sight and hearing. A creature who interacts with the ship in another way (e.g. by touching the ship), realizes it is an illusion and can look beyond it. Once this module has been used, it can’t be used again until the ship rearms.
1 x 2
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