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Intoxicating Ray

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Size 1 × 2
Cost 50,000 Argent
Range near and far
Targeting Radius crescent (vehicles only)
Damage none
Special On a hit, the targeted vessel’s MI becomes intoxicated until the end of the round. During Phase 3, roll any die. If the result is even, the intoxicated vessel does what it declared in Phase 1. If the result is odd, the intoxicated vessel moves to a random zone within its speed (chosen by the GM) then performs any declared Attacks against its allies within range.


crescent (vehicles only)
On a hit, the targeted vessel’s MI becomes intoxicated until the end of the round. During Phase 3, roll any die. If the result is even, the intoxicated vessel does what it declared in Phase 1. If the result is odd, the intoxicated vessel moves to a random zone within its speed (chosen by the GM) then performs any declared attacks against its allies within range.
near and far
1 x 2
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