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Burn Bryte


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Size 2 × 2
Cost 200,000 argent 
Effect A creature can activate this module with a skill roll or free Movement action, slamming down a lever to give a large injection of plasma to the ship’s MI. The MI immediately shrinks the ship to a size of 1 inch in length for 1 minute. All the ship’s other dimensions, its weight, and the creatures and objects aboard are reduced in size proportionally. The ships and creatures retain their other statistics. Once this module has been used, it can’t be used again until the ship rearms.


A creature can activate this module with a skill roll or free movement action, slamming down a lever to give a large injection of plasma to the ship’s MI. The MI immediately shrinks the ship to a size of 1 inch in length for 1 minute. All the ship’s other dimensions, its weight, and the creatures and objects aboard are reduced in size proportionally. The ships and creatures retain their other statistics. Once this module has been used, it can’t be used again until the ship rearms.
2 x 2
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