Wondrous Item, Very Rare
This fine wooden box contains 1d4 pots of pigment and a brush (weighing 1 pound in total).
Using the brush and expending 1 pot of pigment, you can paint any number of three-dimensional objects and terrain features (such as walls, doors, trees, flowers, weapons, webs, and pits), provided these elements are all confined to a 20-foot Cube. The effort takes 10 minutes (regardless of the number of elements you create), during which time you must remain in the Cube, and requires Concentration. If your Concentration is broken or you leave the Cube before the work is done, all the painted elements vanish, and the pot of pigment is wasted.
When the work is done, all the painted objects and terrain features become real. Thus, painting a door on a wall creates an actual door, which can be opened to whatever is beyond. Painting a pit creates a real pit, the entire depth of which must lie within the 20-foot Cube.
No object created by a pot of pigment can have a value greater than 25 GP, and the total value of all objects created by a pot of pigment can’t exceed 500 GP. If you paint objects of greater value (such as a large pile of gold), they look authentic, but close inspection reveals they’re made from paste, cookies, or some other worthless material.
If you paint a form of energy such as fire or lightning, the energy dissipates as soon as you complete the painting, doing no harm.