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Mounts and Vehicles

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A mount can help you move more quickly through the wilderness, but its primary purpose is to carry gear that would otherwise slow you down. The Mounts and Other Animals table shows each animal’s carrying capacity.

Mounts and Cargo

An animal pulling a carriage, cart, chariot, sled, or wagon can move weight up to five times its base carrying capacity, including the weight of the vehicle. If multiple animals pull the same vehicle, add their carrying capacities together.


Barding is armor designed for a mount. Any type of armor on the Armor table in this chapter (see "Armor") can be purchased as barding. The cost is four times the normal cost, and it weighs twice as much.


A saddle comes with a bit, a bridle, reins, and any other equipment needed to use the saddle. A Military Saddle gives Advantage on any ability check you make to remain mounted. An Exotic Saddle is required for riding an aquatic or a flying mount.

Mounts and Other Animals
Mounts and Other Animals
Item   Carrying Capacity   Cost
Camel 450 lb. 50 GP
Elephant 1,320 lb. 200 GP
Horse, Draft 540 lb. 50 GP
Horse, Riding 480 lb. 75 GP
Mastiff 195 lb. 25 GP
Mule 420 lb. 8 GP
Pony 225 lb. 30 GP
Warhorse 540 lb. 400 GP

Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicles
Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicles
Item   Weight   Cost
Carriage 600 lb. 100 GP
Cart 200 lb. 15 GP
Chariot 100 lb. 250 GP
Feed per day 10 lb. 5 CP
Exotic Saddle 40 lb. 60 GP
Military Saddle 30 lb. 20 GP
Riding Saddle 25 lb. 10 GP
Sled 300 lb. 20 GP
Stabling per day 5 SP
Wagon 400 lb. 35 GP

Large Vehicles

The Airborne and Waterborne Vehicles table provides statistics for various types of large vehicles. The following notes apply.


A ship sailing against a strong wind moves at half speed. In a dead calm (no wind), waterborne ships can’t move under sail and must be rowed. Keelboats and Rowboats are used on lakes and rivers. If going downstream, add the speed of the current (typically 3 miles per hour) to the speed of the vehicle. These vehicles can’t be rowed against any significant current, but they can be pulled upstream by draft animals on the shores. A Rowboat can be carried and weighs 100 pounds.


A ship larger than a Keelboat or Rowboat needs a crew of skilled hirelings (see “Services” later in this chapter) to function. The minimum number of skilled hirelings needed to crew a ship depends on the type of ship, as shown in the table.


The table lists the number of Small and Medium passengers the ship can accommodate using hammocks. A ship outfitted with private accommodations can carry one-fifth as many passengers. A passenger usually pays 5 SP per day for a hammock, but prices can vary from ship to ship. A small private cabin usually costs 2 GP per day.

Damage Threshold

If a vehicle has a damage threshold (see the rules glossary), it’s noted in the table.

Ship Repair

Repairs to a damaged ship can be made while the vessel is berthed. Repairing 1 Hit Point of damage requires 1 day and costs 20 GP for materials and labor. If the repairs are made in a location where supplies and skilled labor are abundant, such as a city shipyard, the repair time and cost are halved.

Airborne and Waterborne Vehicles
Ship   Speed   Crew   Passengers   Cargo (Tons)   AC   HP   Damage Threshold   Cost
Airship 8 mph 10 20 1 13 300 40,000 GP
Galley 4 mph 80 150 15 500 20 30,000 GP
Keelboat 1 mph 1 6 1/2 15 100 10 3,000 GP
Longship 3 mph 40 150 10 15 300 15 10,000 GP
Rowboat 1½ mph 1 3 11 50 50 GP
Sailing Ship 2 mph 20 20 100 15 300 15 10,000 GP
Warship 2½ mph 60 60 200 15 500 20 25,000 GP


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