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Adventure for Level 1 Characters

Situation. An alien fungus in a cave is polluting the stream that flows past the village of High Ery. The fungus has spawned vile creatures in and around the cave.

Hook. The folk of High Ery are noticing fungal growths on the riverbanks and a layer of scum on the water. The characters might live in the village, or a contact in the Free City of Greyhawk might ask them to investigate.


The adventure consists of these encounters.

The First Fork. A mile upstream from the village, a stream flows into the river from a little wood on the river’s south side. Characters can tell that this stream is the source of the pollution.

Journey Upstream. Borogrove, a kindly Treant, keeps watch over the wood and meets the characters as they follow the polluted stream. He knows the source of the corruption is inside a cave that the stream spills out of. He gives the characters a magic acorn. If swallowed, the acorn conveys the benefits of a Potion of Healing and the Lesser Restoration spell.

Twig Blights. Just outside the cave, the characters encounter six Twig Blights.

Corrupted Cave. Use the Underdark Warrens map in appendix B for the corrupted cave. Ignore the secret door and the inner chambers behind it. Close off the tunnels leading off the map to the south, east, and north. The characters enter the cave in the southeast, following the stream. The cave’s main features and inhabitants are as follows:

Entrance. A Shrieker Fungus just inside the cave entrance alerts the inhabitants to the characters’ arrival. On watch near the entrance and quick to respond to the shriekers’ cry are four Bullywug Warriors who have fungal growths on them.

Berserk Bear. In a side cave to the southeast is a Brown Bear that drank from the stream. It’s upset because the water made it ill. If the characters can make it eat Borogrove’s acorn or otherwise rid it the Poisoned condition, the bear recovers immediately and leaves them alone.

Ooze’s Lair. At the north end of the stream are a Psychic Gray Ooze and six Stirges. After defeating these creatures, the characters can destroy the brain-like fungus in the water, which is the source of the corruption. If they do, each character earns a bonus 100 XP.

Journey Home. As they leave the wood, the characters encounter Borogrove again. If they used his acorn, he gives them another one. If they purified the source of the stream, he gives them a Staff of Flowers in gratitude.

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