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Iron Golem
Iron Golem Group, Large, Construct
Metal fists (d8+5 Damage ) 10 HP 3 Armor
Close, Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Metal
A staple of the enchanter’s art. Every golemist and mechano-thaumaturge in the kingdoms knows this. Iron is a misnomer, though. These guardians are crafted of any metal, really: steel, copper, or even gold, in some small cases. As much an art as a science, the crafting of a fine golem is as respected in the Kingdoms as a bridge newly built or a castle erected in the mountains. Unceasing watchdog, stalwart defender, the Iron Golem lives to serve, following its orders eternally. Any Enchanter worth his salt can craft one, if he can afford the materials. If not… Instinct: To serve
- Follow orders implacably
- Use a special tool or adaptation, built-in
Attack Details
Attack Name
Metal fists
Attack Roll
A staple of the enchanter’s art. Every golemist and mechano-thaumaturge in the kingdoms knows this. Iron is a misnomer, though. These guardians are crafted of any metal, really: steel, copper, or even gold, in some small cases. As much an art as a science, the crafting of a fine golem is as respected in the Kingdoms as a bridge newly built or a castle erected in the mountains. Unceasing watchdog, stalwart defender, the iron golem lives to serve, following its orders eternally. Any enchanter worth his salt can craft one, if he can afford the materials. If not…
To serve
Twisted Experiments
Special Qualities
Group, Large, Construct
Weapon Tags
Close, Reach, Forceful