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Dungeon World


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Wight-Wolf Horde, Organized, Intelligent

Pounce (d6+1 Damage 1 piercing) 7 HP 1 Armor


Special Qualities: Shadow form

Like the Nightwing, the Wight-Wolf is a creature not spawned in our world. Somehow slipping the seals of the Black Gates of Death, these spirits take the shape of massive hounds or shadowy wolves and hunt the living for sport. They travel in packs, led by a mighty alpha, but bear a kind of intelligence unknown to true canines. Their wild hunts draw the attention of intelligent undead—liches, vampires and the like—who will sometimes make pacts with the alpha and serve a grim purpose together. Listen for the baying of the hounds of Death and pray that they do not howl for you. Instinct: To hunt

  • Encircle prey
  • Summon the pack


Attack Details
1 piercing
Attack Name
Attack Roll
Like the nightwing, the wight-wolf is a creature not spawned in our world. Somehow slipping the seals of the Black Gates of Death, these spirits take the shape of massive hounds or shadowy wolves and hunt the living for sport. They travel in packs, led by a mighty alpha, but bear a kind of intelligence unknown to true canines. Their wild hunts draw the attention of intelligent undead—liches, vampires and the like—who will sometimes make pacts with the alpha and serve a grim purpose together. Listen for the baying of the hounds of Death and pray that they do not howl for you.
To hunt
Undead Legions
Special Qualities
Shadow form
Horde, Organized, Intelligent
Weapon Tags
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