Fallout The Roleplaying Game
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Table of Contents
You are trained in several Skills, which encompass the various activities and proficiencies that you’ve picked up surviving in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. Each skill is ranked from 0 to 6, with each rank representing a differing degree of training.
You add your skill rank together with your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute to get your Target Number when you make a skill test.
Tag Skills
A few of your Skills are Tag Skills, marking them as your areas of expertise. Tag Skills represent a focused training in those Skills, a special affinity or talent with that discipline.
Tag Skills increase your chances of a critical success. When you use a tagged skill, each d20 that rolls equal or under the skill rank is a critical success, scoring 2 successes instead of 1.
Skills Summary
Skill | Default Attribute | Detail |
Athletics | STR | Lifting, pushing, pulling, jumping, running, and swimming |
Barter | CHA | Buying and selling |
Big Guns | END | Using heavy Weapons such as mini guns, Fat Mans, gatling lasers, and gauss Weapons |
Energy Weapons | PER | Using energy Weapons such as laser guns, plasma guns, and gauss Weapons |
Explosives | PER | Blowing things up, or stopping them from doing that |
Lockpick | PER | Opening locks without the key |
Medicine | INT | Healing people and Stabilizing the Dying |
Melee Weapons | STR | Fighting people with bats, clubs, knives, boards, wrenches, and sledges |
Pilot | PER | Flying and driving |
Repair | INT | Fixing stuff, crafting things, and building machines |
Science | INT | Hacking, programming, and brewing chems |
Small Guns | AGI | Shooting people with pistols, rifles, and shotguns |
Sneak | AGI | Moving quietly and staying hidden |
Speech | CHA | Making friends, influencing people, and lying to them if you have to |
Survival | END | Foraging, hunting, cooking, and enduring the wastes |
Throwing | AGI | Launching Weapons from your hands, like spears or knives |
Unarmed | STR | Fighting without a weapon by making unarmed attacks |