Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game
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Table of Contents
Each power description features a number of elements. They include:
- Power Set: The power set the power belongs to. If it’s a basic power, it says "None" here.
- Prerequisites: A list of any Powers, Traits, rank or anything else (beyond the power set) the character must have to use this power.
- Action: The kind of action the character can spend to use this power: standard, movement or reaction.
- Trigger: If this power uses a reaction, this describes what could trigger the reaction.
- Duration: How long the power lasts.
- Range: If there’s a range to the power, it’s listed here.
- Cost: If there’s a cost to the power (often in Focus), it’s listed here.
- Effect: What the power does.
If an element is not necessary, it usually does not appear.
Numbered Powers
Some Powers are followed by a number, like Mighty 1. That’s because you can upgrade that power to Mighty 2, Mighty 3 and so on.
Higher-numbered Powers generally replace their lower-numbered versions entirely. Their effects do not stack. If there is a Focus cost associated with a numbered power, though, a character can voluntarily use a lower-numbered version of their power with that cost instead of their full version of the power.
Power Durations
Power Durations come in five standard types:
- Permanent: The power is always active and costs no Focus to use.
- Instant: The power requires an action to use, and the effect takes place instantly.
- One round: The power requires an action to use, and the effect lasts until the start of the character’s next turn (or the end of the next round at the latest).
- Concentration: The power requires an action to use, and the effect lasts (with no action cost) until the character’s concentration is broken or willingly ended.
Breaking Concentration
A character can concentrate on one power at a time for every rank they have. These must be separate Powers. You cannot concentrate on the same power more than once.
Example: The Invisible Woman is Rank 4, so she can concentrate on up to four Powers that require concentration at a time.
A character can voluntarily end concentration at any time, without using an action.
Things that can break a character’s concentration include:
- Becoming unconscious.
- Becoming demoralized.
- Being Stunned, knocked back or knocked prone.
- Being Blinded, if the power requires Line of Sight.
- Being Deafened, if the power requires hearing a target.
- Being Paralyzed, if the power requires a Melee or Agility check.
Spending Focus
Some Powers require or permit a character to spend Focus. A character cannot spend more Focus at once than five times their rank.
Example: Spider-Man is Rank 4. He can spend up to (4 x 5=) 20 Focus at once.
Additionally, a character cannot voluntarily spend so much Focus that doing so would reduce them to less than 1 Focus.
Stacking Effects
Powers and other effects that increase or reduce Damage do not stack. In other words, they do not add their effects to each other. Instead, the strongest one has an effect while the others function as backups.
The same goes for any power-based adjustments made to the speed of any of a character’s movement modes. These do not stack. When calculating the new speed for a particular movement mode, use the character’s regular speed to calculate any power-based increases separately and then use the highest of those results.
Example: Wolverine has the Reinforced Skeleton power, which reduces the Damage multiplier for attacks against his Health by 1. He steps into a suit of Iron Man armor, which has the Sturdy 2 power—which reduces the Damage multiplier by 2. Only the Sturdy 2 has an effect. If the armor is destroyed, Wolverine still has his Reinforced Skeleton, which then takes effect.