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Arboreal Hammer

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This spell animates a tree's branch and directs it against your foes. At Caster Level 10th or lower, you can target a Huge tree. At Caster Level 11th–15th, you can target a Gargantuan tree, and at Caster Level 16th or higher you can target a Colossal tree. The animated branch makes slam attacks with a Strength score equal to 10 + your Caster Level. The branch strikes once per round with an Attack Bonus equal to your Caster Level + the branch's Strength modifier, adjusted by the appropriate size modifier (–2 for Huge, –4 for Gargantuan, –8 for Colossal). A Huge tree's slam deals 2d6 points of Damage, a Gargantuan tree's slam deals 3d6 points of Damage, and a Colossal tree's slam deals 4d6 points of damage; the tree adds 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier to this Damage. A Huge tree has reach 15 feet, a Gargantuan has reach 20 feet, and a Colossal has reach 30 feet. The tree attacks the Creature you designate when you cast the spell, and is unable to move. You can direct the tree against a new target as a move Action. The tree does not gain a bonus for Flanking, nor can it help another combatant flank. It cannot attack a foe you cannot see.


Casting Time
1 standard action
V, S, DF
1 round/level (D)
Druid 4
Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Saving Throw
Spell Resistance
One Huge or larger tree
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