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This spell causes Confusion in the targets, making them unable to determine their actions. Roll on the following table at the start of each subject's turn each round to see what it does in that round.

d% Behavior
01-25 Act normally
26-50 Do nothing but babble incoherently
51-75 Deal 1d8 + Str modifier to self with item in hand
76-100 Attack nearest Creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as as part of the subject's self)

A confused character who can't carry out the indicated Action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused character. Any confused character who is attacked automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still confused when its turn comes. Note that a confused character will not make Attacks of Opportunity against any Creature that it is not already devoted to attacking (either because of its most recent Action or because it has just been attacked).


Casting Time
1 standard action
V, S, M/DF (three nutshells)
1 round/level
Bard 3, Sorcerer/wizard 4
Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Saving Throw
Will negates
Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]
Spell Resistance
All creatures in a 15-ft.-radius burst
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