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Cast Out
With a melee touch attack you blast a single Creature and disrupt any magic controlling it. The target takes 2d8 points of Damage + 1 point per Caster Level (maximum +15). In addition, you make a dispel check against any Magic Jar effect (including a ghost's malevolence ability) or Enchantment (compulsion) spells on the target Creature, starting with the highest level spells and proceeding to lower level spells.
You make one dispel check (1d20 + your caster level) and compare that to the spell with highest Caster Level (DC = 11 + the spell's caster level). If successful, that spell ends. If not, compare the same result to the spell with the next highest Caster Level. Repeat this process until you have dispelled one spell affecting the target, or you have failed to dispel every spell. Cast out can dispel one such spell for every four caster levels you possess. A successful Will save halves the Damage and limits the dispelling to a single spell or effect.