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Teleport Object

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This spell instantly transports an object to a designated destination, which may be as distant as 100 miles per Caster Level.

If desired, the target object can be sent to a distant location on the Ethereal Plane. In this case, the point from which the object was teleported remains faintly magical until the item is retrieved. A successful targeted dispel magic spell cast on that point brings the vanished item back from the Ethereal Plane.

To see how well the teleportation works, roll d% and consult the table at the end of this spell. Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms on the table.

Familiarity: “Very familiar” is a place where you have been very often and where you feel at home. “Studied carefully” is a place you know well, either because you can currently physically see it or you've been there often. “Seen casually” is a place that you have seen more than once but with which you are not very familiar. “Viewed once” is a place that you have seen once, possibly using magic such as Scrying.

“False destination” is a place that does not truly exist or if you are teleporting to an otherwise familiar location that no longer exists as such or has been so completely altered as to no longer be familiar to you. When traveling to a false destination, roll 1d20+80 to obtain results on the table, rather than rolling d%, since there is no real destination for you to hope to arrive at or even be off target from.

On Target: You appear where you want to be.

Off Target: You appear safely a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is d% of the distance that was to be traveled. The direction off target is determined randomly.

Similar Area: You wind up in an area that's visually or thematically similar to the target area. Generally, you appear in the closest similar place within range. If no such area exists within the spell's range, the spell simply fails instead.

Mishap: You and anyone else teleporting with you have gotten “scrambled.” You each take 1d10 points of Damage, and you reroll on the chart to see where you wind up. For these rerolls, roll 1d20+80. Each time “Mishap” comes up, the characters take more Damage and must reroll.


Casting Time
1 standard action
Sorcerer/wizard 7
Saving Throw
Will negates (object)
Conjuration (teleportation)
Spell Resistance
Yes (Object)
One touched object of up to 50 lbs./level and 3 cu. ft./level
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