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Pathfinder Second Edition


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Levitate [two-actions] (Spell 3)
Concentrate, Manipulate

Traditions Arcane, Occult
Range touch; Targets 1 unattended object or willing creature
Duration 5 minutes

You defy gravity and Levitate the target 5 feet off the ground. You can Sustain the spell to move the target up or down 10 feet. A creature floating in the air from Levitate takes a –2 circumstance penalty to Attack rolls. A floating creature can spend an Interact action to Stabilize itself and negate this penalty for the remainder of its turn. If the target is adjacent to a fixed object or Terrain of suitable stability, it can move across the surface by Climbing (if the surface is vertical, like a wall) or crawling (if the surface is horizontal, such as a ceiling). The GM determines which surfaces can be climbed or crawled across.


You defy gravity and levitate the target 5 feet off the ground. You can Sustain the spell to move the target up or down 10 feet. A creature floating in the air from levitate takes a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. A floating creature can spend an Interact action to stabilize itself and negate this penalty for the remainder of its turn. If the target is adjacent to a fixed object or terrain of suitable stability, it can move across the surface by climbing (if the surface is vertical, like a wall) or crawling (if the surface is horizontal, such as a ceiling). The GM determines which surfaces can be climbed or crawled across.
5 minutes
arcane, occult
1 unattended object or willing creature
concentrate, manipulate
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