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Pathfinder Second Edition


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Wall of Thorns

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Wall of Wind [three-actions] (Spell 3)
Air, Concentrate, Manipulate

Traditions Arcane, Primal
Range 120 feet
Duration 1 minute

You create a barrier of gusting winds that hinders anything moving through it. The wall of swirling winds is 5 feet thick, 60 feet long, and 30 feet high. The wall stands vertically, but you can shape its path. Though the Wall of Wind distorts the air, it does not hamper sight. The wall has the following Effects.

  • Ammunition from physical ranged attacks—such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, and other objects of similar size—can’t pass through the wall. Attacks with bigger ranged Weapons, such as javelins, take a –2 circumstance penalty to their Attack rolls if their paths pass through the wall. Massive ranged Weapons and spell Effects that don’t create physical objects pass through the wall with no penalty.
  • The wall is difficult Terrain to creatures attempting to move overland through it. Gases, including creatures in vapor form, can’t pass through the wall.
  • A creature that attempts to fly through the wall using a move action must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The creature can move through the wall normally this turn.

Success The flying creature can move through the wall this turn, but the wall is difficult Terrain.

Failure The wall stops the Movement of the flying creature, and any remaining Movement from its current action is wasted.

Critical Failure As failure, and the creature is pushed 10 feet away from the wall.


Over the course of a minute, you grow a wall of thorny brambles from the ground. You create a 5-foot-thick wall of brambles and thorns in a straight line up to 60 feet long and 10 feet high. You must create the wall in an unbroken open space so its edges don’t pass through any creatures or objects, or the spell is lost. The wall stands vertically. If you wish, the wall can be of a shorter length or height. Everything on each side of the wall has cover from creatures on the opposite side, and the wall’s spaces are difficult terrain. For every move action a creature uses to enter at least one of the wall’s spaces, that creature takes 3d4 piercing damage. Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of the wall has AC 10, Hardness 10, and 20 Hit Points. It’s immune to critical hits and precision damage. A destroyed section can be moved through freely.
1 minute
Heightened (+1) The Hit Points of each section of the wall increase by 5, and the piercing damage increases by 1d4.
arcane, primal
60 feet
concentrate, manipulate, plant, wood
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