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Table of Contents
- Cable Line (Adamantine Alloy, Titanium Alloy)
- Comm Unit
- Detonator
- Fire Extinguisher
- Grappler
- Holoskin
- Laser Microphone
- Lock (Average, Good, Simple, Superior)
- Medical Gear (Advanced Medkit, Basic Medkit, Medical Lab, Medpatch, Sprayflesh)
- Motion Detector
- Portable Light (Beacon, Flashlight, Lantern, Spotlight)
- Regeneration Table
- Restraints (Binders, Manacles)
- Signal Jammer
- Spy Drone
- Tool Kit
- Tool Kit, Engineering Specialty
- X-Ray Visor
Technological Items
Technology is everywhere in Starfinder, and includes any number of devices useful to adventurers, such as those presented on Table 7-26: Technological Items. Unless otherwise indicated, activating or deactivating an item is a standard action. Items that can be activated to modify an action you're taking last for the duration of that action (such as those that modify skill checks), in which case activating the item is part of that action.
Unless otherwise specified, technological items use a battery and are subject to special abilities that work against items using batteries, charges, or technology. If an item doesn't specify a usage, it needs very little power and has an internal battery designed to function for decades or even centuries without recharging. Items with a specified usage use a battery that comes fully charged when purchased. Such batteries can be recharged as normal using generators or recharging stations (see Professional Services), or they can be replaced (see Table 7-9: Ammunition for battery prices).
- Name: An item's name is its colloquial title, a particular brand name, or its scientific name.
- Model: Some items come in multiple versions, each with varying effectiveness. These items list multiple models, with a price and level entry for each.
- Price: This is the price in credits to purchase or craft the item. The prices listed for each item represent common, mass-produced versions of each item. Brand-name items typically cost twice as much, while more luxurious versions can cost three times as much or more.
- Level: The level of the item is the minimum level you have to be to craft the item, as well as a rough approximation of the item's effectiveness compared to your character level.
- Hands: If an item is handheld, this entry indicates how many hands you must have free to utilize the item properly and gain its benefits. Most items can be carried in one hand while you're not using them unless they're especially unwieldy or heavy, as decided by the GM.
- Bulk: The item's bulk appears here.
- Capacity: This lists the maximum capacity for an item that requires charges to function. An item that holds electrical charges can be replenished with a battery.
- Usage: This entry lists how many charges are consumed when the item is used. This might be per activation, or it might cover a certain duration. If an item uses a certain amount of charges over an interval, it uses charges for the full interval even if the item is shut off before that amount of time has passed. For instance, an item that uses charges at a rate of 2 per minute would still use 2 charges if activated for only 30 seconds.
Of course, there's a vast array of technological devices available in most settlements—well beyond the number that could possibly be presented in any real-world book. In general, any minor piece of equipment with a real-world equivalent (alarm clock, camera, digital keys for vehicles you own, timer, watch, and so on) can be purchased with GM approval, costs 5 credits and has light bulk.
Table 7-26: Technological Items
Name/Model | Level | Price | Hands | Bulk | Capacity | Usage |
Cable Lines | ||||||
Cable line, titanium alloy | 1 | 5/10 ft. | — | L/10 ft. | — | — |
Cable line, adamantine alloy | 2 | 500/10 ft. | — | L/20 ft. | — | — |
Comm Units | ||||||
Personal | 1 | 7 | 1 | L | 80 | 1/hour |
System-wide | 6 | 4,000 | — | 20 | — | — |
Unlimited | 12 | 32,000 | — | 40 | — | — |
Locks | ||||||
Simple | 1 | 100 | 2 | L | — | — |
Average | 3 | 1,000 | 2 | L | — | — |
Good | 6 | 3,600 | 2 | L | — | — |
Superior | 14 | 60,000 | 2 | L | — | — |
Medical Gear | ||||||
Medkit, basic | 1 | 100 | 2 | 1 | — | — |
Medpatch | 1 | 50 | 1 | L | 1 | 1 |
Medkit, advanced | 5 | 2,700 | 2 | 1 | — | — |
Sprayflesh | 5 | 440 | 1 | L | 1 | 1 |
Medical lab | 7 | 7,000 | 2 | 50 | — | — |
Portable Lights | ||||||
Beacon | 1 | 25 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 1/hour |
Flashlight | 1 | 1 | 1 | L | 10 | 1/hour |
Lantern | 1 | 1 | 1 | L | 10 | 1/hour |
Spotlight | 1 | 25 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 1/hour |
Restraints | ||||||
Binders | 1 | 5 | — | — | — | — |
Manacles | 4 | 350 | — | 1 | — | — |
Other | ||||||
Signal jammer | Varies | Level squared × 100 | — | L | 12 | 1/10 minute |
Detonator | 1 | 150 | 1 | L | 5 | 1/use |
Fire extinguisher | 1 | 15 | 1 | L | 20 | 1/round |
Tool kit | 1 | 20 | — | L | — | — |
Grappler | 2 | 700 | — | L | 20 | 1/minute |
Holoskin | 2 | 500 | — | L | 20 | 1/10 minute |
Tool kit, engineering specialty | 2 | 445 | — | L | — | — |
Laser microphone | 5 | 2,725 | 2 | L | 10 | 1/minute |
Spy drone | 6 | 4,550 | — | L | 20 | 1/minute |
Motion detector | 7 | 6,000 | 1 | L | 10 | 1/hour |
X-ray visor | 9 | 15,000 | — | L | 40 | 1/round |
Regeneration table | 16 | 45,000 | 2 | 20 | — | — |
Technological Item Descriptions
Technological items found on Table 7-26 are described below. Where items are grouped into a category, that category and the items that fall into it are listed in a single entry.
Cable Line (Adamantine Alloy, Titanium Alloy)
Industrial-strength cabling is typically woven from hundreds of cords of high-durability plastic that are often coated in metal for added strength, usually adamantine or titanium alloy.
Comm Unit
A personal comm unit is pocket-sized device that combines a minor portable computer (treat as a tier-0 computer with no upgrades or modules) and a cellular communication device, allowing wireless communication with other comm units in both audio- and text-based formats at planetary range. A personal comm unit also includes a calculator, a flashlight (increases the light level one step in a 15-foot cone), and several entertainment options (including games and access to any local infospheres). You can upgrade a personal comm unit to function as some other devices (such as full computers and scanners) by spending credits equal to 110% of the additional device's price.
Comm units that function at system-wide and unlimited ranges aren't as portable; they include built-in generators that provide the necessary amount of power. Short-term use of these units can be purchased in most major settlements.
This conical device primes and detonates explosives (including grenades) with a push of a button. Programming a detonator to a specific package of explosives takes 1 minute, after which the detonator can be triggered in one of several ways. The detonator can be set to ignite its payload with the simple press of a button (no action), a four-digit command code (a move action), or a complex input method, such as scanning your retina or thumbprint (a full action). You choose the triggering method when setting the detonator. A detonator detonates its payload only if it is within 500 feet, but some detonators can make use of signal-boosting technologies at the risk of becoming vulnerable to countermeasures like signal jammers and other effects. Explosives have the same price, effect, and weight as grenades. If you successfully set an explosive on a stationary object with a detonator using the Engineering skill, the explosive's damage ignores half of the object's hardness.
Fire Extinguisher
As a standard action, you can deploy a fire extinguisher to end a burn effect on any one creature or object of Medium or smaller size. Extinguishing a Large creature or object takes 2 rounds, and the number of rounds required doubles with each size category beyond Large. A fire extinguisher can function for 20 rounds (which need not be consecutive) and can be recharged for 10% of the purchase price.
A grappler is a high-tech anchoring device that can be attached to a cable line as a move action. The cable line can instead be threaded through the grappler, which takes 1 minute but adds the cable line's hardness and HP to the hardness and HP of the grappler (and vice versa). A grappler has clamps that can slide from its base along a cable line attached to it, allowing it to be climbed as easily as a knotted rope (see Athletics).
You can attach a grappler through which a cable line is threaded to an immobile object that's at least 5 feet in width with a ranged attack against AC 5. If the grappler is fired at a moving object or a smaller object, you must hit that object's KAC + 8 to attach the grappler to the object. After it's attached, the grappler remains anchored until either you give a release command as a move action, the grappler is pried free with an Athletics check equal to the attack roll you made to attach it, or the grappler is destroyed. If a cable line attached to or threaded through a grappler is destroyed but the grappler itself was not damaged, the cable line is destroyed, but the grappler is unharmed. In this case, the grappler loses the excess hardness and HP that a threaded cable line added to it.
You can also target a creature with the grappler. This is resolved as a grapple combat maneuver, but a creature struck with the grappler can still use its hands, and its movement is only restricted to remain within range of the length of the grappler's cable. In addition to the normal rules for escaping a grapple, the target can pry itself loose with a successful Athletics check (DC equal to your attack roll to grapple the target). Or, it can perform a sunder combat maneuver against the grappler. Even if the combat maneuver doesn't destroy the attached cable, the creature escapes the grapple.
A grappler can be thrown as a grenade or set over the muzzle of a ranged weapon that targets KAC, in which case it has half the normal range increment of the weapon, and you use any weapon proficiency and bonuses to attack you have with that weapon. A grappler can be reused.
This holographic projector is generally mounted to a belt or arm strap. It can be programmed using the Disguise skill to project a different appearance. When you use a holoskin, you can disguise major features, race, or creature type without the DC of your Disguise check increasing, except against Perception checks that involve physical examination.
Laser Microphone
This handheld sensor allows you to hear through normally sound-impervious materials at great range. It grants you sense through (hearing) with a range of 120 feet, but only through materials that are 1 inch thick or thinner, and each Perception check attempted using it takes a full action, during which you are flat-footed.
Lock (Average, Good, Simple, Superior)
Locks are extremely advanced reusable devices, able to secure any fastening or closure by bonding with its surface and then holding fast. Locks usually open with a code, security chip, or voice command. Successful Engineering checks can disable locks. Locks come in four levels of quality— simple, average, good, and superior—which determine the DC of Engineering checks to open them without the proper key or code. A lock takes two hands to secure or open with a security chip. For more information on locks, including the Engineering DCs to open them, see the Engineering skill.
Medical Gear (Advanced Medkit, Basic Medkit, Medical Lab, Medpatch, Sprayflesh)
Medical gear allows you to attempt Medicine checks and determines the DC of Medicine checks to treat deadly wounds. See the Medicine skill for more information.
Advanced Medkit
The advanced medkit adds more-advanced and specialized tools to diagnose and treat ailments. The advanced medkit can be used in the same way as a basic medkit, but the DC to treat deadly wounds is only 20, and you gain a +2 insight bonus to Medicine checks to treat drugs, diseases, and poisons. Additionally, you can use an advanced medkit to set up a temporary one-patient medical lab, though this requires 10 minutes. You can then provide long-term care to a single patient using the temporary medical lab, with a DC 30 Medicine check.
Basic Medkit
The basic medkit has spray antiseptic, bandages, and handheld instruments designed to examine, explore, and treat common ailments. The basic medkit allows you to attempt DC 25 Medicine checks to treat deadly wounds.
Medical Lab
A full medical lab contains beds, diagnostic equipment, sensors, and tools, and even a small surgical theater. A medical lab is not generally portable unless installed in a starship or vehicle of Huge or larger size. It allows you to treat up to three patients at once, and you can use the treat deadly wounds task of the Medicine skill twice per day on each patient. It otherwise functions as an advanced medical kit.
A medpatch is a simple, all-in-one, disposable medical device designed to be slapped onto a wound or area of concern (such as a clearly diseased or poisoned section of the body) with little skill required. A medpatch allows you to attempt a Medicine check untrained with a +10 circumstance bonus, but only for the first aid, long-term stability, treat disease, and treat drugs or poison tasks.
Sprayflesh is an advanced biotech medical device that sprays neutral biomass into a wound or area of concern (such as a clearly diseased or poisoned section of the body). If you have ranks in Medicine, a dose of sprayflesh allows you to attempt a check to treat deadly wounds on a creature that has already received its limit of treat deadly wound benefits for the day. If you succeed at a DC 25 Medicine check, the next time such a creature rests for 10 minutes and spends a Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points, it can instead gain the benefit of your Medicine check to treat deadly wounds. If you are not trained in Medicine, a dose of sprayflesh acts as a medpatch.
Motion Detector
This handheld scanner is capable of detecting sweeping kinetic moves, such as the locomotion of creatures and vehicles. Motion detectors have blindsense (vibration) out to 30 feet, but you must take a move action each round to use the sensor.
Portable Light (Beacon, Flashlight, Lantern, Spotlight)
A portable light, sometimes called an electric torch, is one of several different devices that use batteries to create light sources. A portable light increases the light level by one step in an area determined by its model, as follows: flashlight (20- foot cone), lantern (10-foot radius), beacon (50-foot radius), and spotlight (100-foot cone).
Regeneration Table
A regeneration table is a medical bed that uses the most advanced medical technology known in the Pact Worlds to restore a creature's body to full function from nearly any mishap or injury, including death. It does this with quantum-locked nanites held in a suspended state from which they can become nearly any form of matter, including stem cells for biological creatures or mechanical components for artificial creatures like androids or Akiton's anacites. The table both reads the creature's own genetic code (or equivalent data) and uses supercomputing predictive algorithms to determine what damage or affliction is present, then attempts to restore the subject to perfect health based on that information.
A living creature using a regeneration table is affected as if a 6th-level mystic cure spell as well as the remove affliction and restoration spells were cast on it. A dead creature is affected as if raise dead were cast on it. A regeneration table has an effective caster level of 20th.
As a result of its need to perfectly attune itself to one creature suffering one exact set of ailments and the expenditure of its quantum state particles, a regeneration table functions only once and is then inert and useless.
Restraints (Binders, Manacles)
Binders are simple, single-use, resin-cord restraints that can be placed only on helpless, pinned, or willing creatures (a standard action). A pair of binders immobilizes two limbs of your choice. A creature can escape binders with a successful Acrobatics check (DC = 20 + 1-1/2 x your level).
Manacles are reusable wrist restraints made of hardened metal or ceramics and keyed to open with a security chip, code, or voice command (determined when they are manufactured). Manacles can be placed only on helpless, pinned, or willing creatures (a standard action). Manacles prevent two arms from holding or using any object. A creature can escape manacles with a successful DC 30 Acrobatics check.
Signal Jammer
This handheld device, originally designed by the Stewards for military uses, is used by corporations and criminals alike. Signal jammers are available at any item level from 1 to 20 and can be purchased for a price equal to 100 credits x the square of the item level of the jammer. When activated, a signal jammer interrupts broadcast signals within 4 miles. If attached to a larger broadcasting station (such as those found aboard a starship), the range increases to 12 miles. A signal jammer blocks all communication devices from sending and receiving broadcasts. Each signal jammer is designed to affect one specific broadcasting medium (such as radio or wireless). You can attempt a Computers or Engineering check to bypass a signal jammer's effects or to determine the location of the jammer. The DC to bypass or locate a signal jammer is 15 + the signal jammer's level, and attempting this check takes 1 minute.
Spy Drone
A spy drone is a Tiny remote drone designed specifically to make observations at a distance. This acts as the flight drone of a 1st-level mechanic (and you control it as if you were a 1st level mechanic, using its remote control or a computer with an added module to control the spy drone), except it cannot make any attacks and it has no weapon mounts, no feats, and no ability to add drone mods. Its skill unit is always Stealth. It cannot speak, but it does understand one language (chosen by you at the time of purchase) and allows you to attempt Perception checks using your own bonus when you directly control it (as the master control ability of a mechanic drone). A drone can be upgraded with any one of the following technological items by paying 125% of the item's price: flashlight, grappler, lantern, laser microphone, motion detector, scanner, or X-ray visor. The price of buying and installing one upgrade includes the price of replacing an old upgrade on a drone, if applicable.
Tool Kit
A tool kit is a set of specialized tools and devices not worth purchasing individually, but which as a collection are required for a given task or provide a circumstance bonus to certain skill checks. The types of tool kits are: disguise kit (required for Disguise checks to change appearance), engineering kit (Engineering checks without one take a -2 penalty), hacking kit (required for most Computer checks) navigator's tools (grants a +4 bonus to Survival checks when orienteering), professional's tools (provides a +4 bonus to Profession checks for one profession), rider's kit (provides a +4 bonus to Survival checks to ride creatures), and trapsmith's tools (provides a +4 bonus to Engineering or Mysticism checks to arm or disarm traps).
Tool Kit, Engineering Specialty
These kits each provide a +2 circumstance bonus to a specific use of the Engineering skill. Using an armorcrafter kit gives you a +2 bonus to repair, resize, or upgrade armor. A weaponsmithing kit gives you a +2 bonus to repair weapons.
X-Ray Visor
This sensor is worn as an adjustable viewer resting over the eyes, like goggles or thick glasses. It sends out X-rays and interprets the information gathered as an image it imposes over your normal vision. This grants sense through (vision) with a range of 60 feet, though it is blocked by materials one-fifth as dense as those that block normal sense through (2 feet of wood or plastic, 1 foot of stone, 2 inches of common metal, or 1 inch of lead or any starmetal) and limits you to black-and-white vision while in use. You don't gain the benefit of any other special visual senses (such as lowlight vision) while the visor is active, and you can't attempt sight-based Perception checks beyond 60 feet. Activating or deactivating the sensor is a move action.