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Burn Bryte


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Installing Modules

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When your ship is safely docked on a celestial body or space station with the proper personnel, various ship modules can be added. Note that all sizes are measured in squares.

Module  Size  Cost
Currency Node1x130,000 Argent
Cryo-Chamber2x25,000 Argent
Digital Sector Controls1x15,000 Argent
Emergency Booster1x110,000 Argent
Escort Fighter2x350,000 Argent
Fire Suppression1x15,000 Argent
Healing Bay1x210,000 Argent
Hull Gunk1x15,000 Argent
Lounge2x25,000 Argent
MI Defenses1x110,000 Argent
MI Grounder1x125,000 Argent
MI Jack1x15,000 Argent
MI Power Expander1x115,000 Argent
Pilot Controls1x15,000 Argent
Shield Generator1x15,000 Argent
Smuggling Chamber1x15,000 Argent
Turret Command Station2x220,000 Argent

Combat Modules

The following modules enhance a ship’s combat capabilities and attack enemy vessels. Each has a range, targeting radius, and damage listed.

Module  Size  Cost  Range  Targeting Radius  Damage
Anchor Gun1x150,000 Argentnearcrescentnone
Boarding Tube1x220,000 Argentnearfixednone
Fixed Turret1x215,000 Argentnear and farfixed2
Heavy Cannon1x250,000 Argentnear and farcrescent2
Heavy Missile Turret2x250,000 Argentnearfull2
Heavy Power Turret2x3200,000 Argentnear and farfixed
Long-Range Cannon1x115,000 Argentfarcrescent1
Long-Range Missile Turret1x140,000 Argentfarfull2
Missile Turret1x140,000 Argentnearfull2
Particle Cannon1x2100,000 Argentnear and farcrescent4
Pivot Turret1x115,000 Argentnearcrescent1
Rotating Turret2x230,000 Argentnearfull1
Soul Cannon2x240,000 Argentnear and farfull3


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