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Customizing with Modules

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Player characters can customize their ship. Ships are modified through modules, which are map tiles that are dropped on a customizable area on the ship map. The ship gains the abilities of the modules it has attached. There are numerous modules that can be dropped into a ship from gun turrets to cryo-chambers. 

To customize a ship the player characters must first purchase the modules they intend to install. Modules can be purchased from shops. To equip the module to the player characters’ ship, the GM moves the token onto the ship map in any customizable area where the module fits. The player characters choose the specific area. See “Installing Modules” for a list of modules.

Modules can also be removed and placed into storage. Modules that are placed into storage are removed from the ship’s customizable areas and held in the ship’s cargo bay or in a storage facility on a celestial body or space station. Modules that are in storage are not considered part of the ship and grant no benefits or effects. Player characters can only equip or unequip modules while the ship is on a celestial body or docked at a space station. Modules cannot be moved or replaced while flying through space or in Combat.

Placement of Modules

A module must be able to fit entirely into the customizable area chosen for it, otherwise it cannot be equipped. A module does not have to fill an entire customizable area to be equipped. A customizable area can have both empty spaces and modules within it. For example, a customizable area with a size of 2 x 2 squares could have a single 1-square module or two 1-square modules and a 1 x 2 square module equipped.

Combat Modules

All modules have a size and price, but Combat modules have extra statistics that cover their use in Combat. Each has a range (which determines if they can hit targets in near, far, or both zones), damage dealt on a hit, and targeting radius.

A module’s targeting radius determines its targeting width. A module with a fixed targeting radius can only target creatures, vehicles, and objects in its range in the zones in which the module is located. A module with a crescent targeting radius can only target creatures, vehicles, and objects in its range in which it is located plus any zones within range adjacent to those zones. A module with a full targeting radius can target creatures, vehicles, and objects in its range anywhere on the map.

Example: A Fixed Turret module has range of near and far and a fixed targeting radius. It is installed on the port side of the ship and can only be used to attack enemies in the port near and port far zone.

Example: A Long-Range Cannon module has a range of far and a crescent targeting radius. It is installed on the port side of the ship and can only be used to attack the port far, aft far, and fore far zones.


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