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Burn Bryte


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Sometimes the best defense is a good laser pistol. For the heroes of Olaxis weapons are necessary tools, though some only use them as a last resort.

Improvised Weapons and Unarmed Attacks

A character is free to make unarmed attacks and use improvised weapons in combat. The downside of using these weapons is they usually have no qualities, unless the GM decides otherwise or you have an ability that changes this ruling. You can use an improvised weapon to make a ranged attack, provided your target is in within 5 squares of you when the attack is made.

Melee Weapons

Melee weapons are used in hand-to-hand combat and often use the Melee skill to attack and defend. Melee weapons without the ranged quality can be hurled to make ranged attacks, provided your target is within 5 squares of you when the attack is made.

Melee Weapon Cost
Item  Qualities  Price
Charge BatonCharge 51,500
Charge StaffCharge 42,000
Charge-chakuCharge 32,500
Vampire KnucklesConcealable, Draining1,000
KnifeConcealable, Range 1050
Laser SwordPiercing2,000
Sonic CaberExtra Damage, Slow1,500

Ranged Weapons

Ranged weapons can be fired, launched, or thrown at enemies. These weapons often use the Ranged skill to attack.

Ranged Weapon Costs
Item  Qualities  Price
Breach BombBurst 2, Consumable, Range 1050
Charge CannonCharge 3, Range 103,000
Charge PistolCharge 5, Range 202,000
Charge RifleCharge 4, Range 302,500
Conflagration GrenadeBurst 4, Consumable, Range 10800
GrenadeBurst 3, Consumable, Range 10200
Laser PistolRange 30500
Laser RifleRange 40600
Laser Sniper RifleExtra Damage, Piercing, Range 80, Slow3,000
Pocket PistolConcealable, Range 10400
Vampire RifleDraining, Range 601,500


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