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Ship Damage

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When the player characters’ ship takes damage from an attack, each point of damage taken can manifest in one of four different ways: damage to the MI’s Health Levels, a fire, a hull breach, or damage to a module. When an attack hits the player’s ship, the GM can choose which type of damage to apply or use the Random Ship Damage table provided as a rollable table in Roll20. Each point of damage the ship takes results in an effect. For instance, if a missile strike deals 2 damage to the player characters’ ship, their MI could take 2 damage, the ship could suffer two hull breaches, or the MI could take 1 damage and the ship could suffer one hull breach.

Enemy ship Attacks typically hit the most logical ship sector based on where they are in relation to the ship. For example, an attacking enemy ship that is in the aft near space zone hits one of the ship sectors near that space zone. The GM decides which sector or module is hit by an attack.

Random Ship Damage
d6   Damage Type
1-3 MI Health Levels
4 Fire
5 Hull breach
6 Damaged module
  • MI Health Levels. When the player characters’ ship gets hit with an attack, it can result in damage to the ship and the MI. If this happens, decrease the Health Levels of the MI that controls the ship. This reduction represents the extra strain on the MI as it tries to reroute power to damaged areas to keep the ship functioning. If the attack deals one of the other types of damage listed below, do not adjust the Health Levels.
  • Fire. When the player characters’ ship gets hit with an attack, it can result in a fire breaking out. No damage is done to the ship’s Health Levels during a fire; instead, a square of the GM’s choice on the ship erupts into flames. During the end of each round, any creature who is in a square on fire or adjacent to fire takes 1 damage. After dealing damage the fire spreads to any adjacent squares on the ship. If a sector is sealed off, fire cannot spread beyond it. If fire touches a module, the module is damaged (see “Damaged Modules” below).
  • Hull Breach. When the player characters’ ship gets hit with an attack, it can result in a hull breach. When this happens, the GM picks a sector that becomes hazardous for anyone within as the air in that sector is sucked into the void of space. When there is a hull breach, it affects the sector in which it occurred as well as any directly adjacent sectors. Those areas become difficult terrain. Any creatures who cannot Survive in space who ends the round in one of these sectors takes 1 damage. If the sector with the breach is sealed off, then the breach only affects that sector. Hull breaches can be repaired by player characters with a successful skill roll. If the hull breach is severely damaged, it may take multiple skill rolls to repair.
  • Damaged Module. When the player characters’ ship gets hit with an attack, it can result in damage to a module. If a creature is inside a module when it is damaged, that creature takes 1 damage. Once a module is damaged, it cannot be used until it is repaired. Modules can be repaired by player characters who are adjacent to or inside the module with a skill roll. If a module has severe damage, then it might take multiple skill rolls to repair.

Severely Damaged Modules and Hull Breaches

A GM might call for multiple skill rolls to repair a damaged module or hull breach after more than 1 damage it dealt to a module or results in a hull breach in the same sector. For instance, if three laser Attacks that deal 1 damage each hit the player characters’ ship in the same round, the GM might determine (perhaps by rolling on the Random Ship Damage table) that all three Attacks result in a hull breach. Rather than three separate hull breaches, the GM decides the Attacks create one very large breach that requires three successful skill rolls to fix, one for each point of damage the Attacks dealt.


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