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Burn Bryte


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You explore an unexplored location for the sake of uncovering its mysteries. This could be a place you seek out or one you find during a journey. Curiosity, thrill of danger, or fortune may drive you into unknown places. This Story Path is for people who want to shine a light on hidden areas. While the 1st event must be the first completed and 5th must be the last, the other three events can be completed in any order.

1st Event: Get off the Map

Completion: You complete this event after you arrive at the unmapped location you plan to explore. This place could be an unexplored section of Olaxis, a planet completely changed by touching The Burn, or a sunken city that was uncovered in a plasma drilling operation. No matter how big or small, this must be a location that is unknown to the rest of Olaxis.

Reward: Select one special ability from your Species.

2nd, 3rd, or 4th Event: Explore a Point of Interest

Completion: You complete this event after you explore a major point of interest in your unmapped location. This could be a lone volcano on a jungle planet, a plant-filled tunnel of an asteroid, or a ruin left behind by Omniscients.

Reward: Increase the die size of your Athletics, Perception, Power, Skullduggery, or Stealth skill by 1.

2nd, 3rd, or 4th Event: Connect with Life

Completion: You complete this event when you spend time studying the local flora or fauna of the area. You must interact with at least one living organism in a meaningful way even if it is not sapient.

Reward: Increase the die size of one of your Decorum, Empathy, Knowledge, Presence, or Streetwise skill by 1.

2nd, 3rd, or 4th Event: Danger Unknown

Completion: You complete this event after you Survive an encounter with an unknown danger. This could be a new monster, an unknown disease you contract, or some other hazard you’ve never experienced.

Reward: Increase the die size of one of your Physical Skills by 1.

5th Event: Share the Secret?

Completion: You’ve done some exploring of the unknown. You might have pictures, video, and notes of your experience. Do you share what you learned with the universe, or do you keep it a secret? You complete this event when you have an answer to that question.

Reward if shared what you learned: Select one Nova ability from your Species.

Reward if keep the secret to yourself: Gain the Excited by the Unknown Nova ability. Whenever you are in an area that you have not visited before, you can spend 1 Nova point to gain a significant positive condition. If you complete this Story Path a second or greater time and no one else helps you again, select one Nova ability from your Species.


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